
Friday, March 3, 2017

Weather, whether or not, and the spring band concert

 Counting Emily and Hamilton, I am approaching two dozen band concerts. Last night, another one.

She's spotted me. The stink eye.

"Take the picture I'm smiling for!"

Laura has been in band since fifth grade. Her band director reminded me of Uncle Tom playing the part of the Old Grey Goose at her first concert. 

I continue to be amazed at the discipline of band. As soon as the conductor stands by the podium, it's all eyes front, instruments ready.

When we left the concert, the snow had begun. It was falling hard, and looked exactly like it would be the two to three inches our road super was loading up for Thursday afternoon.

When I left for the gym, at 9:30, Laura had cleared the porch and steps, a path around the car, and swept the windshield clean of snow. The ice scraper is in the car and it's locked, so she has a pass, though I remain amazed at the responsibility she assumes with no asking. Perhaps you see, it has begun snowing again, in the picture. In the fifteen minutes it took me to clear the windows and leave, we were in a deep squall.

When I got home at 12:30, the porch and steps were full and drifted. I didn't stop to clean them; all I wanted was dry shoes and socks. It's been snowing all this time, so we need to do some work tonight, so we can go out in the morning.

I stopped at the river today, on my travels, and took this "color" photo of the black and white world. I must remember to ask if that small rill in the bend of the river is a natural formation or the residual of an old dam or bridge.


  1. Better you than me Joanne. I did that band thing at all hours night and day. You are a grandchild's angel. That was so thoughtful of Laura. I mean, who does that at her age?

  2. Wow, lots of snow! Good helper with Laura! So essential to have an activity like band, but weary for the families getting the kids to the activities at times.


  3. Hooray for Laura.
    And stay warm, stay safe.

  4. Snow? Put that girl to work!

  5. Hari om
    ...but are the crocus breaking through??? No snow here, but plenty low low temps. YAM xx

  6. What lovely girls you have. You must be very happy, most of the time. I really think that you are blessed.

  7. Band leaders are saints, I am sure of it.

    Snow!! Do you need any groceries? Put a sign out in the deep snow, and you will get some. that is what my aunt did in Missouri.

  8. 82 degrees here yesterday. Now, it is 64 degrees today, but I had to brag a little bit first. Flowers are blooming all over the place. I'm sorry about your snow. We'll probably have to pay, some way or other.

  9. She sounds like she's really grown up in the last year, being more responsible without someone telling her what to do. I do not envy you that snow.

  10. Snow! I had the AC on two days ago. What a good kid Laura is. My son is at this moment cooking salmon, potatoes, and veggies for the two of us. I have my personal chef at long last.


  11. Band is great discipline for children!

    You've gone from tornado warning to snow again. Strange?

    Good for Laura for taking such resposibility.

  12. One of my granddaughters plays violin and another plays clarinet. They are now talking about opening a music school someday.

  13. Band or sports - both are good for instilling a work ethic and good time management. And Laura has her grandmother to help those along, too.

    That is a lot of band concerts to attend. Shouldn't you be getting a participation certificate at least?

  14. A band out of sync is not a band, so it's not surprising the discipline is there.

  15. I am so grateful that the snow that you got only ended up here as a 5 minute incident. You are so lucky to have someone who will shovel that snow without being asked.

    With four grandchildren living nearby, I also get to go to many concerts. The kids are always terrific and I am impressed by how professional they sound.

  16. I like the Emily photos. Happy and warm.

  17. Cheeky Laura, giving you the stink eye. I like the steps covered in snow, they're pretty, but I wouldn't want to walk on them, too slippery.

  18. What a wonderful grandmother you are.

  19. Laura is definitely a darling girl. Sometimes here in the land of 'it almost never snows' I long for a covering of the white stuff -- however, your photos brought it all back and at my age I am glad to have a slight intimation of Spring springing!

  20. You are such an amazing woman Joanne. Laura is blooming under your care and she knows how lucky she is. Hence the shoveled snow.

  21. I am always happy to see snow pics. What a wonderful person Laura is. My 5 year old grandson's Tball games start next week. I both dread it and look forward to the season.

  22. I think it is wonderful that your grandkids played musical instruments in the band. It's great for self discipline and mental development.

  23. Oh WOW! I cannot say that I am sorry we have missed all this snow this year. We never even had enough to have to shovel the sidewalk.

  24. I am so impressed with Laura, not only with her musical abilities but especially that she notices what needs to be done and does it on her own.

  25. nice photos!!
