
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Yin and Yang are working with a desolate landscape

My Yin and Yang knowledge is the usual schoolgirl type. The contrary forces around us now are not complementary. Yang is not bright and positive, but using its force to stop ordinary folks at airports, detain them at will. People on business trips, travelling home from vacation, students.  

Power changes people; not necessarily in a bad way, I'm sure, but when added to a personality already obsessed with the grandiose, the uses of power are  ranging  from petty to autocratic. Today I am sick at heart. The new potus is devoid of empathy, and today’s postcards include one to him, telling him not to become the fool of power.

Back in my real world, I still need to be the change. Youngsters wear that slogan on their shirts, on their backpacks, on their trinkets. It’s the distillation of my philosophy of doing the right thing in my sphere. Today was a good day.

I went back to my birdseed store and bought a bag of mixed safflower, sunflower and peanuts. Laura filled the bird feeder this morning, and we had a tufted titmouse before she was back indoors.

Today was the monthly stock up grocery run. Even more fun because my daughter Beth, and granddaughter Caroline, came to pass the couple of hours Francis is at rock climbing class. I love these people.

Caroline has a new haircut. The last time you saw her, she had a messy bun, like Laura usually wears. Today, a bob. Her story is, the hair was in her face in gym class and she had nothing to secure it. After school, she and her girlfriend cut her hair. They braided it at her neckline and cut it off. "It's like cutting a rope."

But, not the end of the story. Grandma Ruth declared the cut as close to a disgrace to hair as Grandma Ruth is able to sound disapproving. Caroline went to Grandma Ruth's hairdresser, who "loves to clean up bad cuts." "It wasn't that bad," Caroline said.

The three of us went grocery shopping; Beth stayed home to catch up on paperwork. The entire shopping trip went indoors in one trip. Each has two bags of groceries and they split the cat food and litter.

Beth in the kitchen, working. Oh, that arm. She's become a lefty, and wonders how Francis does it. She's just recently conquered the number 8, and confesses her 9's are only upside down 6's.

The girls put away the groceries; I stuffed envelopes for Beth, and it was time for them to go. "See you next time you're the designated rock climber mother.


  1. I can't talk about #45 now. There are really no words to express how I feel about today.

    It is wonderful to have family stop by. I really wish my granddaughters could do that more often. I need to look at their beautiful, sweet, innocent faces. My soul need soothing.

  2. I am so glad that in the doom, the gloom and the nastiness you continue to take action. And even more pleased that you had a good day with people you love.

  3. I have given up on the powers that be doing something to stop the liar in chief. It is going to take an army of us to get that idiot out and send him tarred and feathered back to his tacky tower.

  4. And how depressing and demoralizing to realize that the #2 in line has agendas that are just as oppressive. Although I did just read an opinion column that Pence is the one pulling the strings, which makes perfect sense since POTUS is incapable of focusing on anything weightier than the number of attendees at inauguration.;

  5. Time with family is precious. Glad you could spend the time together.

  6. I see no change in the arrogance and hunger of power. It was like that before the election. I learned the word kleptocracy today. It may apply.
    What a nice family day it was. How nice.

  7. Dear Joanne. I have thought of you often this week. Every time I glimpsed another in the list of atrocities being committed. Against immigrants. Against the environment. And that damned wall that is more important than our people living in poverty, and our bridges that are barely standing. And the poor Indians and the pipeline. I know that you are just as dismayed as I am. It is hard to keep a positive attitude under these circumstances. Thank goodness you had something positive to lift your spirits a little. Family.

  8. You had the best help. The type that does it because they know it's the right thing to do.

  9. I admire your stamina and semi-optimism in the face of today's america. You are helped, I believe, by having great grandkids. Due in no small part to you.

  10. I agree with everything you have to say about the potus. I hope he will settle down because it is going to be a very long four years!!

  11. I like your line "the entire shopping trip went indoors in one trip." We will be amazed when we see the relatively small number of bags of groceries and the amount paid for them; yet eternally grateful to have the resources to be able to do so.


  12. Goodness, Caroline looks a lot like Emily, the genetic code is strong in your family.
    I remember the day I cut my son's hair which was almost waist length. He also tied it at the back of his neck and instructed me to cut.

  13. My hair grows thick and heavy and every so often I get in the house and before I have even taken my coat off I grab the scissors to thin it out. I know just how that girl felt.

  14. I like to read about your real world daily life:)

  15. That's a good haircut. You know what Trump is going to say now? "Ok, if you won't let me send them back we will have to put them in a detention centre."

    1. It's arbitrary; it's cruel; a federal judge ordered a stay and the order remains in place. I want to think of more ways to oppose the man, civilly.

    2. It's arbitrary; it's cruel; a federal judge ordered a stay and the order remains in place. I want to think of more ways to oppose the man, civilly.

  16. So nice to see your family, Joanne! xox

  17. Nice day to spend with family. I really like that cute hair cut.

  18. Nice hair cut. Re: potus, I am also sick at heart. And mad a hell.

  19. I need a new haircut.

  20. We are sad and worried for you and us and friends round the world.
    Good to see a young girl being decisive the hairstyle suits her as well.
