
Monday, January 23, 2017

A riddle

Years and years ago, when I was the controller of a division of a subsidiary of Maytag Corporation, I attended a regional meeting at another division, in Cleveland, Tennessee. I elected to drive, to continue on to a vacation trip. Approaching, crossing and leaving the Holston River, we could scarcely breathe; the stench was gagging and nostril closing.

I asked someone at my destination about the smell. "You know what we call that smell," he asked. "We call it the smell of money." There was a Hammermill paper mill upriver.

Here's another riddle. What doe this picture illustrate? Well, considering the phrase I used all last fall was "Put your money where your mouth is," isn't that appropriate. Today I put my money where my mouth is.

There are one hundred gen-u-ine U.S. postcards, stampeded and everything.Tonight I directed two of them to my senator, Robert Portman, on the issues of the appointment of Betsy DeVos to Secretary of Education and his participation in the rapid repeal of ACA with no replacement. I have a dear friend in the arts whose hair is just now returning after her bout with breast cancer. Without ACA, what would she have done! Now she has a pre-existing condition.

I also signed petitions, one asking potus to disclose his tax returns and the other asking him to put his bizillions of assets in a blind trust. The first has enough signatures for response, according to the rules of the web site. The other is getting there. Though we all know rules aren't big in potus' playbook, go for it if you're interested.

So, that was about sixty minutes of my time. It's time to go knit on my sweater and watch "Fixer Upper."


  1. Way to go, Joanne! You are doing your part! Thank you.

  2. You are one dedicated woman, Joanne.

  3. you inspire me. but the tax return thing is dead in the water. he received the petition and refused, just like he has and has always intended to.

    1. That was the Quixote shot. Futile, but just to let him know that I know that he left the petitions on the web just so he could tear them up.

  4. As someone who lived within whiffing distance of a pulp mill from the time I was little, I can attest to the smell. Never did get used to it. *gag*

    Good for you for sending your correspondence. I'm keeping my beady little eye on potus and the gang. Not much else to do from above the border.

  5. I've wondered if the Post Office still sells postcards. Will check that out tomorrow. Thanks for the inspiration. I'd already thought about it because of the checklist you posted, but I haven't been nearly as quick as you are.

  6. I love how you are putting your money where your mouth is. That is about all we can do now that he is elected. I have been making my phone calls. I need to get a stack of postcards!!

  7. Do it, don't stop. Don't quit. I wish I could see you to the end of this, but probably not. You keep going, lady. Keep going. The more I've read of you, the more I like you. Carry on.

    1. Well, don't you stop, either. At least I have a democratic senator and a democratic representative. You have even more work with the fool you're working with.

  8. Betsy DeVos needs a real education before she tries to dictate what she schools do

  9. Today I signed some petititions, joined a fact site, wrote my congressman, and left phone messages for my senators. We got to keep this momentum up.

  10. I lived in Michigan for many years so I am familiar with views on education. I am against her confirmation. I hope this whole women's movement lasts.

  11. What exactly is potus? I'm confused, as always. You'd think I'd be used to it by now.

    1. Obama was President Of The United States. Trump hasn't earned the capital letters.

    2. The three similar ones that are used are POTUS (President), SCOTUS (Supreme Court) FLOTUS (First Lady). There are probably more but those are the ones I know.

  12. Way to go on the postcards! I plan to follow suit as soon as I get a day off. You are an inspiration!

  13. It is incredible to witness all this protesting.

  14. The next time I go out, I'll head to the post office for my own cards to send to EVERYONE.


  15. Paper mills do smell horrible. They are all over Louisiana. I bet the only way we'll ever see those tax returns is from an inside job or Anonymous. I bet he doesn't have as much as he says, since he lies whenever he opens his mouth.

  16. I love fixer upper, there is nothing worse than the smell of a paper mill, we almost bought a home in Washington state but the stench was too much for me, I don't think there is anything worse. I for one am glad the president is working on jobs because dh and I had too many disappointments in California dn the Florida and finally just gave up finding one, age or health problems or folks askding how long was since you have worked, and well the looking became futile so I know what it is like to want a job but have none to be found and then have to spend your life savings on living expenses.

  17. I had also signed that second petition. His business arrangements are just asking for a conflict of interest. At least it was good that he didn't take the petition part of the site down.

  18. I wonder how long he will be able to stay dancing on top of the floating barrel as it goes down Niagara, myself.

  19. Good for you Joanne. I'm writing, calling, signing, and mailing as well. It is the most fun I've had in years. Freedom and democracy are potent drugs. I'm totally addicted and I'm never giving them up.

  20. We can all protest and send letters and postcards. But this man seems to think he is above all rules. He scares me! I worry about my grandchildren and what will happen because of this egotistical maniac!
