
Sunday, December 18, 2016

The cat prevailed

Vacation plans for Toby were firm, but fluid. He was boarding at a local kennel. And the kennel must be quite tired of me by now. Last week I made his reservation for Saturday, on. But the weekend forecast came up quite ugly, and I changed his reservation to Monday.

The polar vortex shifted, the weather moved a little north, and travel along two Great Lake shores to Wisconsin looked probable for today. I changed Toby’s reservation to this morning. I confess that all those times I called and listened to the times the kennel is open to take in and discharge pets, I never picked up on the crucial one. Though they are open twice a day throughout the week, on the weekend they are open Saturday morning and Sunday evening.

He Who, on a summer day.

I called yesterday to change Toby’s reservation to this morning, and the recording finally penetrated. I left a desperate message, but the call was not returned. Late in the afternoon I called Ann. She does run a kennel, and the cats have their own room, with sunning perches and everything. “Sure, bring him along.” Listening to him moan for several hours would not be pleasant, but perhaps Pride and Prejudice or Harry Potter would lull him to sleep.

Laura and I worked through yesterday with the resolve of vacationers leaving nothing to chance. The car is packed. Suitcases are open on the floor, and packed. All the last minute items are listed, and bags to tote them are open on the table. We are as determined as two people who’ve had no vacation in three years.

I’d been in bed a short time, and half asleep, when I became aware of muffled plopping noises. “Why are kids out in the street with fire crackers, in this rain?” I wondered. Eventually I got up and looked out the window onto the street. Fat raindrops, landing solidly. I went back to bed.

We are encased in ice this morning. I looked at the weather maps. Lake Erie and Lake Michigan are wreathed in purple and blue—freezing rain and freezing cold. I texted Ann, It’s No Go. Toby will be keeping his Monday reservation after all.

The front garden bench, through ice.


  1. Just can't trust the weather, whatever it can do to inconvenience you it will. Have a safe drive.

  2. Be careful, even northerners have trouble driving on ice.

  3. Oh Joanne. There is nothing worse than ice. And you know about the best laid plans...

  4. I wouldn't even venture out on foot, let alone drive anywhere in that weather. Maybe the day was meant to curl up on the couch with a good book... and Toby on your lap.

  5. The cold winds moved away here too. Cold but not too cold now

  6. Hari OM
    Yikes... Whenever that travel gets going, let the going be smooth - no ice!!! Toby - have a happy holiday too, okay? Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Oh boy, you folks really got it! My heart aches for you. Thankfully we just got light fluffy snow, LOTS OF IT, but easy to move. It has stopped now and the sun is shining. BUT, the temperature is dropping like a stone to, oh, -25 or so......

  8. yuck yuck yuck. living anywhere it snows and ices over is a deal killer for me. hoping you have an uneventful drive tomorrow.

  9. It's a good thing your travel plans were fluid. What a nightmare. It sounds like something that would happen to me.

  10. Oh, it's too bad you had to change your vacation plans. Hope Monday is better. Cheers.

  11. We had enough ice Friday and Saturday nights to mess everything up. Today looks better, and I hope comes your way.

  12. I despise travelling over Christmas because of this - weather that is constantly threatening, even if the sky is blue, because you never know what the next twenty-four hours will bring ...

  13. Oh my! Best laid plans go awry especially at this time of year. Right now it is snowing heavily here. The 4th time in just over a week. How's that for a place that seldom gets snow? Today it is supposed to turn to rain. I hope by Monday all is well there and that you are able to travel safely and get Toby to the comfort of the cat hotel. Enjoy your vacay with Laura. Well deserved for you both!

  14. Oh dear -Christmas is always tricky weather wise isn't it?
    Here strong winds are forecast. Hope that cat settles!!

  15. Good luck.
    I do hope that you get away for that much needed (and deserved) break.
    And that your Christmas is marzipan laden.

  16. Best of luck for tomorrow, Joanne. Have a great vacation.

  17. The weather never cares about anyone's plans. Hope you make it out ok and it's enjoyable.

  18. Strange weather....It was not bad here, a few miles south of you..........Wishing you all "traveling mercies".

  19. You will eventually get away! Just be safe in it!!


  20. I miss the snow, but not the ice. Be safe.

  21. We got the ice also and it sure was a thick layer. I hope your's melted like ours and you and Laura are off to a wonderful holiday. Merry Christmas to you both.

  22. My siblings in IL and Ohio said the same about the weather. My brother called to hear how warm it is out here in CA. He did that once while he sat in his car, during a sideways blizzard. Safe journey to you all. And Merry Christmas!

  23. Frustrating, but i hope you'll get away in the end. Stay safe on your trip.

  24. It's been a long time since I saw ice anyplace other than my freezer.


  25. Sorry your plans were thwarted by the dastardly weather and hope you had a pleasant drive yesterday, sans moaning cats. Happy Christmas, Joanne.

  26. Indulge in some home winter comforts, Joanne! I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Britta x
