
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

A week off, and back again

We arrived in Wisconsin a week too early for Christmas.
Laura helped at the kennel,

 made cookies,
and made supper every day.

This is Sawyer, one of Pat and Ann's dogs.
Sawyer is a dropout from cadaver school.
Too easily distracted. 
No cookie dough will fall, but that's not what he thinks.

Waiting for Santa.

Pat is Santa; Laura has another hat.

This is Seamus. He has old, old bones. He's about 12.
He and a sibling ran away from home. Pat returned them.
Seamus was back on the doorstep every time Pat returned him,
until the original human said, "Guess he's yours."

And another of the rescues. 
I've lost track of the number of dogs in the house all week.
When we left, there was one less bed to sleep on, every night.
Sigh. A dog's life.


  1. Those dogs look as if their life is pretty good. Loved hope springing eternal in Sawyer.
    I hope you and Laura had a wonderful break.

  2. Christmas with lots of furry friends and loving people sounds good to me. Hope both of you feel happily recharged.

  3. Hari OM
    Oh my.. that's my kinda holiday!!! Hope you both travelled well and that home has embraced you ready for the new 'set of twelve'! YAM xx

  4. That house seems a great place in which to spend a holiday.

  5. There's always room In the inn appears to be the order of the day!

  6. It looks like you both had a good time. Getting away was what you both needed.

  7. A whole new meaning to 'sleeping in the dog house'.
    Funny how some dogs insist on choosing their own humans.
    I hope your Christmas was wonderful.

  8. LOL with the way the baby gates are set up. I could never get myself in that room! Never saw such a set up either Good you guys got a way. I bet the cookies made by Laura were delicious!


  9. Looks like a nice place and a nice way to spend Christmas.

  10. Seamus is the spitting image of Bok's girlfriend Izzy; a nicer dog is hard to imagine.

  11. Glad you are safe and it looks like a good time. Please don't send any more snow my way for awhile okay?

  12. So nice to see P and A's home. It's been years since I was there. Happy New Year to you and yours, Joanne! xox

  13. Glad you are back Joanne. I was starting to worry.

  14. I hope your Christmas was a Merry one. Loved seeing the pictures!

  15. Dogs usually seem to only want to sleep and eat. At least mine did.

  16. Nice photos. Looks like you had a pleasant Christmas. Aloha from Hawaii.

  17. Cosy pictures. I hope everyone had a good time!

  18. Can't have too many dogs!! Says the lady who got a puppy for Christmas.
