
Sunday, November 20, 2016

Perimeter patrol

My cat ownership goes back to my college days, and I've never permitted a cat on a counter.
At the old house some cats were hell bent on hitting the counter when the two leggers were done in the kitchen. Purrl was an awful offender, looking for the last splatter.

Toby had Purrl to show him how to do it, but was never interested.
The first time I saw Toby in this window he raised two paws and said, "You caught me, but it's the only south facing window I can reach. Don't take it away from me."
And, I haven't.

As you can tell, he did have a job to do up here. Something has his attention. He is all purpose.

Watching him settle in is worth the price of admission.
Of all our treasures up there, 

only the bird moved.
Look at that tail, just so, around the butterfly, under the bird.

And look at those ears! Something he must know about is happening on the street.


  1. He is a lovely cat. They know when they are doing something wrong. They can also be incredibly skilled at sneaking around. -Jenn

  2. Such a gorgeous cat, Joanne. And so big!

  3. He thinks he is your protector and is standing guard to make sure that all those birds that want to dive bomb the window, won't. It is his job and all he wants is a treat or two afterwards.

  4. He is truly beautiful. Our cats rarely knock treasure off by accident. Deliberately is a different matter.

    1. Not funny when something breaks, but it IS funny to watch them; it's like they just can't help themselves.

  5. He's such a handsome fellow, and I'm impressed with how careful he is. Reminds me of our black fellow and his careful paws. Cats do love the sun. Ours don't get on the counter but I'm afraid everywhere else is fair game.

  6. My girl Emmy is very perceptive too. She will hop up for a look and growl whenever a helicopter flies over.

  7. Is it possible to keep a cat off the counter?

    1. Of course not. Next we ask, what is its motive?

    2. Angel never gets on the counter. He could if he tried, but he's never been interested.

  8. We used to have several cats that would lay in the window to sun themselves while they napped. Then we rescued a puppy who was small enough to imitate them and she sunned in the window too. Then came the day as she got bigger that she laid down to have a nap in the window and fell off. She was too big. Poor thing.

  9. I love how Toby is so careful of your treasures. He's a sensitive cat.

  10. Hari OM
    Ahh Toby, you are as light as a feather anyway, and as delicate a cat as I have ever known - Jasper, for all his many positives, was like a bull in a china shop when attempting the counter. It meant he never got away with it. Anyway, a cat's gotta have a sunpuddle to bath in, is it not so??? As well as keeping guard. Heaven knows there are bound to be scurryings and worryings you need to warn the unit about!!! Don't fret, Joanne still loves ya - look, you are head of the blog (for now)!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  11. Such a lovely cat, Joanne! I'd love to have one - but am still traveling too much.

  12. Such a pretty cat, but then they all are. Even Mean Mom.

  13. He is so careful, we have a 2 layer counter, our cat can get on the upper one because there's never food or eating there. The lower counter is strictly off limits and she's pretty good about obeying the law.

  14. I have to say Joanne that he is so beautiful that I would not be able to deny him anything!

  15. My cat isn't interested in the worktop either. But she does sit in the front windows watching the passers by. My daughter's cat bypasses the worktop and manages to jump right up onto the top of the wall cupboards!

  16. I've never allowed cats on my counters either, or the dining room table or the top of the china cabinet or buffet. to be honest, the last two surfaces were so covered with stuff that there was no room for the cat anyway.

  17. When we settle down I want a cat.

  18. What a wonderful picture of a wonderful cat!
