
Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sales tax holiday

This is me, sitting on the relatively comfy seats in the shoe department,
waiting for the shoppers to return.
No, we're not buying shoes. It's just the only comfortable place to wait.

They have what they need to start school.
Noticing the obvious lack of socks and underpants, I did ask.
No, they have plenty.

Kinda funny, no? A good foundation and then some flashy colors, to face the world.

Off to pay the piper.

Two hundred dollars fit into one bag.


  1. That is sad with the price of clothes but looks like they got some cute things.


  2. Looks like the girls were enjoying themselves. I like both green plaid shirts in the pic!

  3. Hari OM
    As long as that figure = quality that lasts, all is good... Now for start of the next stage. YAM xx

  4. it's amazing how much stuff costs nowadays, at least the fuel prices have been down; folks here are already back to school, we used to go after labor day, I don't think I like this new system, not sure how parents that work can cope with it all

  5. I hate shopping. I was looking at the girls' faces. They do not look like children; they look like young women. My goodness.

  6. No such thing as 'too many underpants'.

  7. Those colors are also Harley's favorites!

  8. Try as I may, I just can't find you in that top photograph - you are very well-

  9. Love their smiles. Loathe shopping. Particularly for clothes. I think your idea of sitting at least some of it out was genius. Sigh on what a huge dollar value fits into one bag these days.

    1. I have all the best seats staked out everywhere we shop. The grocery store has wooden benches, which doesn't make the girls shop any faster!

  10. Everything is so expensive these days. Great to have the shopping done though.

  11. It's amazing what things cost and you probably got a "good deal". The shoppers look happy. I wish them well on the year ahead!

  12. Okay, I'm in Ohio this summer... saw in Walmart the other day that no sales tax on school supplies was going to happen. I'm gonna sound stupid, but was there a day that there was no sales tax on anything? Shoot... if so, we bought a washer for one of the rentals and with Ohio sales tax it ain't cheap! What's happening?

  13. Death and taxes, Sharon. Do you remember the sales tax stamps that went into our mother's shopping bags. Ohio has joined a the states that declare a tax holiday the weekend before school begins, and so we picked that weekend to buy school clothes.

  14. Oh, how I loved shopping for back to school clothes when I was their age. We couldn't afford much, but it was such a treat and eased the fact that vacation was almost over :) The girls look pretty happy!

  15. Wow. I can remember when two hundred dollars would have required several large bags.

  16. I'm hoping to take my granddaughter school clothes shopping this week. It is a tax free week in Florida, too.

  17. I remember taking the kids shopping for back to school. so glad I don't have to do that anymore.

  18. Aren't you glad there's just 2 of them to shop for.

  19. It looks like they made some great choices and having a tax-free day or weekend before school begins is a good idea. I love seeing their smiling faces.

  20. Oh, the excitement of new clothes for school!

  21. No kids here, so I've never had to buy a bunch of clothes at once, but I do often run into that feeling at the grocery store. I'm becoming that woman that used to say "I remember when bread was a nickle" except my loaf of bread was a dollar.. now it's four or five.
