
Thursday, August 4, 2016


Every morning for the past week this cat has landed from his three foot high spring directly on the middle of my body, unceremoniously stalked across my body, braced his hind feet against my back for leverage and thumped at the bedroom shade until he is behind it, on the windowsill. It's seven thirty am, mind you. I don't know, except the men begin work on the new lots behind us about eight am, and perhaps Toby is the time master.

Today the band will be photographed, prior to practice. They are to take their uniforms to change into. Walking past Laura's bathroom door, she was struggling into the shirt. This uniform is so complex I'm surprised these kids don't march in the under uniform some day, in protest. Yes, Hudson has matching underwear. Blue shorts and white shirt.

Being the grandmother, I had to say "You're supposed to change at school."
"I know. I just want to see what it looks like."


  1. I should have played an instrument in HS, I always had a thing for the girls in their band uniform's.

  2. How do you make a Venetian blind? Get a cat to scratch his eyes out... Great photo.

  3. Sounds like he thinks he's an alarm clock

  4. Love that final Ta-da shot.
    And am so grateful that your ICU title didn't mean what it does here...

    1. It also means Intensive Care Unit. Or, something I don't know about...?

  5. Hari OM
    and eye see you Toby... just letting Joanne know you are Lord of your domain at last??? Meanwhile, the uniform is looking goooooooodddd. YAM xx

  6. Intensive Care Unit was the first thing that came to my mind as well. I'm happy to be wrong.

  7. Fun story about the cat. Laura looks right at home in her uniform.

  8. That cat sure is curious. The uniform looks warm for sure. Your granddaughter looks great in it.

  9. She looks so cute!! I bet it is hot though on hot days?


  10. I'll second (third?) those that breathed a sigh of relief that no one in your house visited the Intensive Care Unit.

  11. I was think Intensive Care Unit. Hey we are old people. Medical conditions and the weather are two big topics of discussion.
    Go for her to be sure everything fit right. Matching underwear? Is that necessary?

  12. corrections - I was "thinking" and "Good" for her.

  13. Cats are such entertainment except at 7:30 am. Great photo!

    Laura looks adorable on her uniform. Hopefully she won't have to wear it till it is cooler.

  14. I miss having a kitty... but then I see posts such as yours and just roll my eyes ;-0 Laura looks great in her uniform, but this hot, humid weather is really too much for the likes of that.

  15. Laura does look grand, but oh so hot. Toby's timing is just a bit off; it's Spring forward!

  16. As hot as it is today, I cringe to think about putting all that uniform on! My cat is also a scoundrel in the morning, but the dogs out=do him!

  17. I sweated just looking at Laura's photos😅Never a dull moment at your house😂Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  18. I love the shot of the cat in the blind.

    Won't Laura roast?? But she'll look snazzy doing it :)

  19. Nice colours on the uniform. I take it the shirt does up in the back?
    my cat likes getting between the blind and the window too, although he doesn't fit as well as he used to.

  20. We have alarm cats too but coming IN under the blind at dawn; luckily I go back to sleep but if I do get up I sometimes see the most glorious sunrises.

  21. Is your cat up to catch the early bird, Joanne?

  22. I don't know how but cats do know how to tell time, fun to start with a clean slate for your new front yard

  23. oh you little trickster. well, I'm glad to see Toby and Laura.

  24. Being a grandmother, that is indeed what grandmothers are for - just to cast an eye over things.

  25. Damn, Joanne. Don't start posts with scares the shit out of some people.

  26. Cats do make good alarm clocks but painful ones.

  27. Every time I look at that picture of the cat's hair poking out of the blinds it cracks me up.

  28. That is one stylin uniform! :) I wore something similar when I marched in the band except it was maroon and gold and we had actual feathered plumes sticking out of our hats.

    and, btw, that is one talented cat!
