
Saturday, July 9, 2016


Waiting can take half a day at a time from life, or more.  Some waits better than others. I waited half a day for the washer and dryer to arrive and be installed. Except for not plugging in the washer, it went well.

I waited half a day for Time Warner to arrive and install cable TV and internet. Things went well until the tech realized he had overlooked my PC on his work order. He rushed the end of the job of pulling more cable to get the wireless router into position. Hold this thought.

When I first looked at this unit, it was lacking the “driveway.” It was lacking a tenant, too, but from the instant I knew I wanted it, I wanted the drive in so I could carry out a scheme of turning the front area into a flower garden. The big plus will be someone else roto tilling. I simply will top dress and move plants in, or get new ones. The complex is down to one handyman, who told me he would do the job last Tuesday. Now management tells me it will be the end of this month. Still not too late, I suppose.

An enterprising young man named David did drop around and offer to get the ground in order for me. “My friend and I were thinking of renting a roto tiller…”  His age certainly did not exceed 14, and though I see he has posted a notice on the mailboxes to “do your gardening,” I think his imagination is ahead of his ability here. I said I’d keep him in mind for later.

There was no readily available TV to watch at the old house, so Laura and I were looking forward to our fill of HGTV, and whatever teenagers watch. I really had my heart set on the local channels, and made the Time Warner tech demonstrate them to me when he set up the TV—before I pointed out there was a PC on his work order, too, not just the girls laptops.

When I turned on the TV for the local news Friday, there were no local channels. CNN, yes, Channels 3, 5, and 8 stared back with blank screens. I called Time Warner, which sent a “fix” straight to the box. The change was to no TV at all. Time Warner robo called to ascertain my degree of happiness, and since it did not exist, gave me a live tech, who spent close to an hour not solving the problem. I must wait until tomorrow evening for another live tech to come to my door and resolve the issues.

In the meantime, here is a cat that does not wait. He simply “is.” 


  1. Some waits are truly frustrating and aggravating. We are in wait mode here. Our heater has decided to stop working. A technician will turn up between 8am and midday on Monday. Unless he is held up. Sigh.
    Neither of our cats do patience well. Whatever they want they want NAOW. Particularly food.

  2. Hari OM
    The driveway is looking fresh, the petstones look at home, Toby is clearly in charge of his world and all that's required now as a working aerial. Or whatever the cable equivalent is! Life's fabric picking up its new threads... YAM xx

  3. That's a great shot of you taking the shot of the cat. I love it! Speaking of waits... the appliance company I called to fix the gas range in our rental said they'd be out at 9:00 am. I went out berry-picking, sure I'd have time to wash the poison ivy etc from me and change clothes if I got back home by 8:45. Yeah, right! These folks showed up at 8:05 am. No kidding! When have you EVER heard of anyone showing up early? You know, I'd probably have asked those young kids what they charged and hour and gone with them... never too early to learn work ethics and reliability. Hope your garden plans work out just fine.

  4. The wonderful world of getting things done after a move. As I said before, it's why we're still in this house. Love your cat

  5. It takes time to get settled away in a new place and part of it is waiting for others to do their work. I hope the cable problem gets resolved soon.

    A garden will be lovely, making the new place feel like home.

  6. Everything has a wait for it. I try to deal with it because - what choice do I have. It looks like the cat is cool with it all.

  7. And that Joanne, is the reason I am never moving again. Hope this is all that goes awry. Hope. Hope.

  8. Boy-oh-boy can I sympathize. As a child we did not always have TV so it was a luxury to watch. Now I am used to having it on all the time. I miss it when I cannot watch because of "technical difficulties".

  9. Oh, the problems we will experience in 3-4 weeks. How I dread them. On a plus note, you will have flowers and a happy cat, and perhaps some happy (if that is at all possible) teenagers.

  10. All very frustrating. I don't do well with waiting.

  11. When we've had to set things like TV/computer up, my husband always seems to be helping the tech figure out how to do it. Climbingon the roof or digging trenches. I watch that and think if it were only up to me and an inept tech, I'd just live at the library or something. Good luck with all that.

  12. Very disappointing on the TV computer front, but at least other things are falling into place. I hope you have the chance to get the garden started soon. You could probably teach the new young would-be gardener a few things. He may eventually become the local landscaper with a thriving business.

  13. I learned a few moves back when I had to wait a week to get a cable/internet installer out to schedule the time before we actually moved. Saved a lot of grief that way (plus I depend on internet for my work so I need to be running as soon as possible.) I like most companies here that give a 2 hour window of delivery or service so less waiting time.

    It will come together for you all!


  14. 'Ascertaining your degree of happiness'. I like that presumption, and I may try to find a way of using it on the next survey I fill out.

  15. Oh, moving in. Glad I am not doing that right now. Good luck in getting it all sorted!

  16. I don't like waiting if I have nothing to do to fill the time. will you be digging up your old garden or at least moving some of the heritage plants to your new home? I dug up as much as I could in the middle of summer after we sold the city house.

    1. I would like it to sell before I make holes in the foliage. All I would take if I have to limit myself will be my dad's colchieum bulbs. On the other hand, I passed out so many, I know where to get some.

  17. Seems like you're settling in, despite the "wait" time. And that Toby is one good looking cat!

  18. Oh, waiting, Joanne. It is so tedious - though best not to think about it too much... easy said. I am interested whether that boy will get the garden job???

  19. Grrr ... out of all the less pleasurable things involved in moving, getting stuff hooked up has to be the worst.

  20. ALL THE TECHKY STUFF CAN WAIT.right now it is about being comfortable in your new skin. You and tobey need to settle it. Kids have to deal with the waiting. It is all about what is earned, not entitled. It will all work out. Take a deep breath.

  21. Best wishes for a speedy return to life on an even keel! You are a brave woman, Joanne!
