
Sunday, July 10, 2016

My degree of happiness plummets

The appointment was cancelled. Their records indicted I had no service due to an outage in my area, and they arbitrarily cancelled the service call.

No, fools, I had no service because my receiver is not receiving.

I would not let tonight's tech walk me through all the "now wait five to ten minutes" baloney.

Into her accented English I inserted, over and over, a demand for a technician now.

The service call will be Tuesday, between five and six p.m. A TV has been in my house since 9 am Thursday morning. It functioned for one hour on Friday.

Within minutes I received the satisfaction survey. Time Warner received all 1's, 0 not being an option for happiness.


  1. I bet filling out the lowest possible scores was satisfying in itself, though ...

    Hope you get true satisfaction on Tuesday between five and six p.m. No later.

  2. Hari OM
    OH I am having flashbacks to dealing with EE telecoms over this side.... gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... teeth-gnashery stuff 'tis... YAM xx

  3. Frustration with a telecom company! Sounds familiar. Tuesday can't come fast enough!

  4. Sigh. I am in hurry and wait mode here too. No sign of the technicians to restore our heating.
    I hope both of us get satisfaction. Soon.

  5. I think dealing with ATT or Dish etc. are the most maddening things in the world. My husband refuses to do it. I was told if there is an overseas connection, you can ask for an American tech.

  6. I am so sorry to hear this, Joanne! Darn it, seems like you could get a break once in a while! I do hope things get done on Tuesday!! I have to deal with AT&T. All are about the same.

  7. Sad to admit, but if I had no TV for that long I'd blow my brains out. Actually during Super storm Sandy we had no TV for 8 days...fortunately I don't have a gun.

  8. Sorry you have to deal with this amidst all the other stresses of moving. But I hope it is all over and done satisfactorily on Tuesday evening. xx

  9. I am surprised they managed to schedule the service call for so soon after they decided you didn't need it in the first place. Cable companies are notorious for poor service.

  10. I get so mad at those people sometimes!! Hopefully you will get your TV soon!!

  11. How could they arbitrarily cancel the call? I think a call to you would have been more appropriate. So frustrating dealing with them, but such a necessary evil if one wants TV, internet, etc. Let's hope when they come out on Tuesday it is taken care of.


  12. Every time I do one of those surveys, I wish there was a 0 setting. Some of them have a box where you can enter further comments and that's usually where I say I've marked 1 because you have no zero available.
    They don't sound like a very reputable company; I suppose there was no other option available?
    I hope it gets fixed quickly when they come on Tuesday.

  13. and they cost is so much and yet I like watching the PBS mysteries and specials, ugh

  14. I know it is not a big comfort, but the same is here all the time.

  15. I am sure your service provider is used to a 1 rating. They don't care as they are the only game in town. What they are good at is raising their rates frequently. I would imagine that along with dentists and lawyers, they are the most disliked profession.

    1. For Starting Over --Include vets in your string of professions. So far since living here in Corvallis for a year I have paid out 550.for tests for a well dog, 162. for a rabies shot, and 190.00 for flea check-up. Infuriating. Used all different vets in hopes that one would be cheaper than the last. -- barbara

  16. Joanne -- I have been that cable route before when I moved to a new place. Moves can have points of exasperation! But relax and think ahead to that beautiful flower garden you will have (eventually). -- barbara

  17. This afternoon an "advanced" technician called. I refused to participate in anymore testing. He said he would send a tech tonight. I have one scheduled for tomorrow night, and I stressed he not mess that up. Tonight another advanced technician called.He suggested I unplug the box from the wall for four to five hours. I completely lost it. I very loudly and angrily told him I would do no such thing; I expected the problem fixed tomorrow and do not send me a satisfaction survey for his phone call.

    1. .... tsk... ... that sympathy being put out there, I will risk ire now and say that when my i'net setup was failing at the beginning, it was, in the end, the unplugging for the requested two hours which apparently 'fixed' the issue... infuriating though that was... prepare yourself for more of the same. Yxx

    2. YAM, do you or anyone else know what the unplugging is supposed to do to help? I am hopeless at this stuff and know nothing.

  18. The remote folks never lost confidence in their skills. Two called on Monday and put me through their paces, to no avail. The first one did reduce my current invoice by three days service cost.The second called in the evening and his last piece of advice was to unplug the set for four or five hours. This one I yelled at: "Why am I doing this? This box is your problem, not mine!" And so on. I concluded by telling him the Tuesday technician better not be cancelled and do not send me a survey.
    Shortly after lunch on Tuesday an "advanced" technician called. His job was to check the work of the tech who installed the service to see that it was OK. Talk about inmates running the asylum. I said he could just come and do that. He arrived two hours before the other tech was scheduled, discovered one wire was improperly connected, fixed it and voila! Television. He cancelled the other tech, shook my hand, and left.
