
Monday, July 18, 2016

Last, but not least

Laura and I brought the rain barrel from the old garden.
It sat beside the house all weekend, while we transplanted flowers and all the objects d'art we couldn't leave behind.

An early morning rainstorm filled the birdbath, but, sadly, not the rain barrel, for its intake spout was not connected to the downspout.

This afternoon, in our finest old grandma and two grand daughter fashion, we used the template Emily made to locate the circular downspout entrance.

Laura used a little screwdriver and a big hammer to put a hole in that downspout, then a fine little pair of wire strippers to clip out a circle in the downspout.

Emily drove two pointy screws left from another job straight through the housing into the downspout, and there you have it.

Let the rains begin!


  1. Such resourceful girls you have there. Well done for the environment too.

  2. Oh sorry I forgot the other team member - Good work Emily.
    Does the supervisor need to get credit too? I figure seeing those two be productive if reward enough.

  3. The three of you are grandly happy! (A small return of punnishness. Yes, it's a word, I just inventered it.)

  4. Well done girls! Once the rains begin, you'll have a garden worthy of 'House&Garden' magazine.

  5. Joanne -- Your granddaughters are gems. They know how to get the job done! Like reading and viewing your steps to getting your new place how you want it. Carry on! --- barbara

  6. Joanne -- Your granddaughters are gems. They know how to get the job done! Like reading and viewing your steps to getting your new place how you want it. Carry on! --- barbara

  7. Resourceful! Those girls are learning so much; it's excellent.

  8. Wonderful! I love how they help you with everything.

  9. Hari OM
    hehehehe that sounds like a MacLean Clan gardening session!!! Great work gals. YAM xx

  10. I sure do love the grandma/granddaughter ingenuity. What a team you three are!

  11. I love how you all work together so well.

    It has been hard to fill up my rain barrels this summer. Mother Nature gave her all in May and early June and has been very stingy since.

  12. My daughter is a good handyman (handyperson?) like your granddaughters. She's one reason I bought my little 1920's house; I was depending on her help with the upkeep. She does what she can, but she's so busy that I rarely can snare her. You're a lucky woman woman to have those two granddaughters there to help.

  13. I never cease to be amazed at the ingenuity and expertise of your grand daughters Joanne.

  14. Love it! We've been getting lots of rain so I'll send some your way ;-)

  15. Your skills remind me so much of my family.

  16. Glad you got that done. We tried that down here, but the hurricane strength winds keep blowing it out into the yard.😩Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  17. Haha too funny.

  18. it occurred to me this morning that what with downsizing and all, you haven't mentioned your loom. have you packed it away and stopped weaving again?

  19. Nice rain barrel! Even covered to keep the nasties out! Glad you have it hooked up and ready to fill... we've been having some evening thunderstorms down here in SE Ohio... maybe they'll make it up your way.

  20. I am looking forward to your new garden! Watered by experts.

  21. Ah - and thank you for your beautiful quote on my blog! Geo., told me where it was from - didn't know Sam Walter Foss before.

  22. That rain barrel should be quite useful. You were mentioning the poppies on my blog. These are annual poppies but they seed themselves so they come back every year. They are a weed really, but a very attractive weed. If you want seeds let me know.
