
Friday, July 15, 2016

A new garden

One afternoon this week there was such a racket outside, I went to look.
It was Dan, the remaining handyman of the complex, ripping up the grass out front, as I'd asked.

Laura and I had planned on dividing it all into planting areas, so we went to a landscape supply company across the road and bought some stones.

Our first trunk load was embarrassingly puny.

At eight this morning we were back across the road, and bought all the red stones.
Then, to the old garden for plants, and six bags of mulch we still had.
Laura planted and planted.

After lunch Dan stopped and opined the showing of rocks still was mighty puny.
I said we'd go back and buy some more in a bit.
"BUY!" he roared. He and his tractor charged around our house and up the little rocky outcrop behind. He dropped his font end loader and rushed the little hill.
Rock after rock popped up. He and Laura loaded them, and he dumped them in the front yard. Best of all, there are more we can get this weekend.

Then he surveyed our progress and announced we needed a bench in there.
We just happened to have one, and he and Laura brought it round.
Dan expects to see it all planted out on Monday. 

The first time I came over here to look at units, I came to an abrupt halt in front of this one.
Isn't it something!
We'll just keep planting.


  1. It will be beautiful before long. You had such wonderful plantings at your last home. Why did you guys move??

    1. Ah, I understand. I need to do that here as well. Maybe next year

  2. That unit IS something. Exciting times ahead. Exciting and tiring for you and Laura. Exciting for us.

  3. What a great beginning you and Laura (and Dan) have made! Laura has more stamina than I did at her age. How nice of Dan to help keep costs down :) He sounds like a good guy. I love your energy, all of you!!

  4. Looking good! I like your new place.

  5. I have a hunch it is going to look real nice.

  6. I love sky blue and what a lot you have accomplished in such a short time. A big hand to you and the girls.

  7. You and Laura have a big job ahead of you. But I can already see it in my mind. It will be gorgeous.

  8. yay, wasting no time on the new garden.

  9. It looks like you are off to a fabulous start, Joanne!

  10. I like the bench out there! With the way you and Laura work, I think one day soon you'll have a smashing looking yard out there!


  11. That is a beautiful start Joanne.

  12. It's going to be beautiful. Take another photo this time next year and see the difference. The bench is a lovely idea.

    1. It does look nice. Laura set it at the same angle as the road passing by.

  13. It seems like a long time ago that I was making the same old joke about what the kids were growing in your last garden.

    1. A lot of water under the bridge, or over the weir, as the case may be.

    2. Or through the hydroponic system.

    3. Not likely. I have to pay for water now. Same aquifer, not my well.

  14. Hari OM
    You have made a good pal in Dan! Well done Laura!!! I spy the solomon's seal... looking forward to watching the progress &*> YAM xx

  15. What fun it is to start a new garden. Did you divide and bring some plants from the old place? That helps with the transition (and cost) of moving from an old garden bed to a new one. Plus, it makes it special. You are lucky to have such a thoughtful and helpful handyman.

    1. Everything so far is from the old garden. Actually, they're about the same size. I think we'll see what the garden center has on sale this afternoon.

  16. Your garden will be beautiful! I love watching the plants grow to fill the space. Gardening is such a great hobby. Your granddaughter is learning so much!

  17. The bench in the garden provides nice structure and height difference. It's good that you brought plants from your old place. Using established plants will certainly help fill your new garden in a lot sooner. Glad you are settling in. -Jenn

  18. Having a garden makes a house more of a home. Dan sounds like a great guy and one you want to have around. Feed him, and he'll be your friend forever.

  19. You can't beat gardening - good therapy while creating it, maintaining it, and, best of all, enjoying it!

  20. Buying stones or rocks does seem odd, doesn't it? I know we all do it, but really... Joanne, your new place is definitely taking shape. Creating your space is what it's all about!

    1. We have beautiful, beautiful stepping stones in the old garden that were "liberated" from the Cuyahoga River before it was politically incorrect. They are such an integral part of the path now, it would be politically incorrect to dig them out.

  21. You and Laura are creating a beautiful space... with help from Dan. =)

  22. What a difference nice landscaping and muscle power can make.

  23. That last photo is quite nice. If you can make a similar garden, all the better.

  24. Fun to watch your progress.
    I love vicarious moving. All the excitement of a new place without having to actually experience the exhaustion that comes with it!

  25. Nice start, a new garden site is fun.

  26. Joanne -- Nice that you have all the plants in your old beds so you can easily transplant them to your new home -- and nice to have Dan and Laura working along with you. -- barbara

  27. Joanne -- Nice that you have all the plants in your old beds so you can easily transplant them to your new home -- and nice to have Dan and Laura working along with you. -- barbara
