
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Mandevillas and sandles

This morning Laura and I liberated these three mandevillas from the nursery.

We brought up the hanging basket frames from the laundry room, and got busy.

The white one.

The pink one.

Then we had to stop and sort out bird feeders, because the red mandevilla will go where the suet hung all winter.

Laura is in Becky Thatcher mode today.

A lot of red anemone on the red mandevilla end of the garden.

The female red bellied woodpecker landed on this pole, looking for her suet feeder.
She spotted it right across the stairwell, and flew right over.

Laura's sandles, as promised.
I understand Emily has an identical pair, but with green strapping.

As if all that criss-crossing was not enough,
there is a heel flap and really cool buckles.

I'm so pleased she is fourteen, and I'm not.


  1. I envy you your flowers, and admire the sandals.
    We're hanging at 50s and rainy for the next few days.
    I hunted for my trusty black sandals the other day , to no avail. I have a dim memory of them falling apart last September, but I fear Laura's are too snazzy for the likes of me.

  2. I have also red and pink mandevillas in full bloom now, for a short time,(it will be 38c tomorrow).
    I like the sandals and glad too that i am not 14 for a long long time.

  3. I have also red and pink mandevillas in full bloom now, for a short time,(it will be 38c tomorrow).
    I like the sandals and glad too that i am not 14 for a long long time.

  4. So nice to be able to do the work outside again. Love the sandals!

  5. Lovely photos, warm greetings and best wishes!

    1. Thank you. I wish I could comment on your blog, but the comments come back to my inbox as undeliverable.

  6. We'll be in Ohio long enough this summer that I can plant flowers (and a tomato plant)... and you are inspiring me to get started. Usually we wait until Mother's Day to plant... that seems to be the magic date for "no frost" nights. Will you still have frosts so far north of us?

    1. Quoting my father, "The last recorded frost was May 21st." My take is these aren't tomatoes, and if it doesn't frost, I'm three weeks ahead of the game.

  7. Love your gardening. And admire the sandals.
    And no, I wouldn't be a teenager again for anyone. (Just as well it isn't an option).

  8. I've been searching for sandals, like hers, but I have bad feet and need more support. I've often seen Mandevillas, but had no idea what they were, so pretty.

  9. I must be remembering the cinnamon rolls because I thought the title said sandies. I can't wear flats anymore. The weather must be good since you are planting hanging baskets. I love your new header. I haven't planted anemones in years, but will remember them this fall.

  10. Lovely flowers and comfy looking sandals.

  11. Love all the color in the garden. I plan to go get some plants tomorrow for my hanging baskets .... al 14 of them! The sandals will leave some interesting tan lines! I lean towards slip on crocs. Don't like bending and buckling!!

  12. I'd never be able to get them on and off!

  13. Your new header is gorgeous! Neat sandals.

  14. Very cool sandals. And all those flowers. I am envious!!

  15. Hari OM
    And whilst the windows beside me are battered and bashed by the winter storm outside (at 5am) I wonder at the possibilities of ever being able to wear a sandal ever again... or see such pretty blooms... YAM xx

  16. I do like the sandals and what has been planted in your garden!


  17. I would have loved a pair of sandals like that at 14! Very cool.

  18. love the mandevillas. there is one on a trellis in town that is just gorgeous. and I agree, would not want to be 14 again or 15 or any of the teens.

  19. "These shoes are made for walking..." Nancy Sinatra
    Not sure if those sandals for you or me would fit the bill.
    Your flowers are always so amazing!

  20. Lovely plants and flowers.
    I remember when I was 14, and nope, I did not wear such shoes. Lol.

  21. Still way too cold and wet here for flowers.

  22. Nice flowers and from the looks of it nice weather. We had some nice weather then it went away. Normal changing weather. Weather doing what weather does - change.

  23. I like the sandals but could never wear them, I need a little more cushioning under my feet.
    The mandevillas will look lovely all summer.

  24. The last time you posted about mandevillas I bought a red one. It is still in the greenhouse and in full bloom, gorgeous.

  25. Those are very nifty sandals, but I'm more a Croc sandal person now. They are indestructible!
