
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Presenting Emily's cinnamon rolls

The last week has been crazy busy. It's the end of the year for Emily and the end of middle school for Laura. Moving on, as they say.

Today was shopping for shoes and for an appropriate dress to wear under a white graduation gown. Tonight Emily's service learning class is hosting a movie night and holding a bake sale.

Emily's contribution is cinnamon rolls, which were accomplished in stages, between shopping. I was weaving all morning, and paid little attention to all the motion. First they made the dough, then went shopping for shoes.

Laura scored a pretty little pair of sandals,  which she modeled briefly between lunch, punching down the dough and leaving to shop for the dress. They swirled back in with Aunt Janice, made the dough into cinnamon buns and disappeared to laugh about shoes and dresses.  

A little later I followed the laughter to the studio, and found the conspirators laughing until the rolls cooled enough to be frosted. Having sampled a heel that would not go to the sale on my trip through the kitchen, I announced time, and went away.

Now supper is being prepared so we can eat and I can take Emily to the school by 5:30, to be picked up at (groan) ten. Suddenly Laura whirled into the room and announced the rolls should be on my blog.

Blurry, let me take another.

And there you have Emily's cinnamon rolls.


  1. Such lovely activity around your young women! Wonderful!

  2. Oh and from scratch. Now that is an accomplishment. Well done.

  3. And now I'm over a thousand miles away; oy!

  4. Hari OM
    I hope there will be a repeat performance in about, say, six weeks time?!! (of the rolls, not the shoes &*>) YAM xx

  5. The rolls look good but I want to see the shoes and the dress.....

    1. Emily will not exchange jeans for the dress until the event. Two weeks to prom and three days after that to graduation.

  6. Both the rolls and one of the makers look stunning.

  7. Nice work, but what about the sandals, I've been on the hunt for sandals.

  8. Emily's cinnamon rolls look delicious and Laura is a great model! Hard to believe the school year is wrapping up for Emily and Laura! Such new adventures lie ahead for both of them!


  9. I love cinnamon rolls and those look mighty delicious; it's been a long time since I had any. I should rectify that soon. coffee and a cinnamon roll sounds like a perfect Sunday Brunch.

  10. yum I love cinnamon rolls, bet you they smelt good while baking.

  11. What a delight Emily is! These are the memories to remember, and smile.

  12. Making cinnamon rolls gives one a feeling of real accomplishment. Emily they look fantastic.

  13. Seems like something fun is always going on at your house! The rolls look wonderful, as does that happy Laura! Look forward to seeing the sandals.

  14. Thanks for sharing her and her rolls. I would love to have a taste. Busy time of the year at our house too. Wrapping up the years of high school for one here as well!

  15. Those rolls look great. I love cinnamon.

  16. What a sweet post. I enjoy reading about your granddaughter's. So cute for Emily to suggest you add her delicious looking cinnamon buns to the blog :-)

  17. A lovely buzz of activities x

  18. Look how proud she is of them! I almost remember when cooking/baking was a fun new adventure. They look beautiful. Nice job Emily!

    1. Oh wait, that's Laura (not Emily) in the photo, right?

  19. from scratch, wonderful presentation

  20. exciting time of year. those girls. you. congrats.

  21. Shopping for shoes with my daughters was always a horrible experience. They liked to try everything in in every store. The grandchildren are so much easier.

    Those buns look might good. Laura should be very proud.

  22. Very impressed with Laura's baking. They look delicious.

  23. Cinnamon roll sale, you say? I would have bought the entire batch❣Great job, ladies❣Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  24. She looks so happy, you make them so happy Joanne.

  25. Those are fine looking cinnamon rolls - drizzled icing is fabulous on them.

  26. Oh awesome! They look absolutely delish!
