
Thursday, April 14, 2016

“Three with one blow,” the brave little tailor said

I went to work at a reasonable time this morning, and worked straight through to two o’clock. I wanted to get the checks in the mail so all our creditors could pay their creditors, and I wanted to get through constructing the very difficult set of minutes from last night’s two and a half hour trustee meeting.

I wasn’t all drudge, drudge, drudge, though. At eleven thirty the road guys came in and the new road super (Ron, you might as well get used to him) stopped to show his new Sullivan Ln. road sign. Ron is as irrepressible as Timmy, but on totally different subjects. Timmy would make me go look at snapdragons in the slag bin; Ron is like a magpie. He likes to show off bright, shiny things, like new road signs.

By two I had my day wrapped, except mailing the checks and depositing money. Hungry as I was, I am a good fiscal officer and drove the extra ten miles to mail the checks and deposit the money. This took me a different way home, and there was Ron, installing his new Sullivan Ln. sign. “I defy you to miss this,” he said, when I pulled into Sullivan Ln. “This should make the new guy at the end happy.”

I knew of the new guy at the end, just starting the zoning process for a landscaping business. For years, Sullivan Lane was Sullivan Road, until the county rerouted Sullivan Road in favor of the freeway, and cut off the old road past the old Sullivan residence.  Eventually the Sullivans left this earthly tent, the property remained unsold and in decay for many years. I drove down to the guard rail a few times, to watch the decay progress. I thought I took some pictures, but I cannot find them.

After lunch I went back to the end of Sullivan Lane. Look what I found.

The last time I was down here, this entire property was brush and weeds and junk up to the outbuildings. I did not know the drive went all the way back.

The outbuilding is newly clad in steel siding. The picket fence is prefabricated, but it is white and wood, by golly. Grass is planted, grown and mowed!

This little outbuilding seems to have the same steel siding, or, perhaps, painted red. It certainly has been given a second chance. I like the poster in the window. I wonder what it is. I wish the new guy at the end every success.

And then, on the way home, I found two more happy things to post about another day. Like the little tailor, I had a good afternoon.


  1. It is good to see old properties being revitalized! It gives the neighbourhood a lift!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. I miss work. It kept my mind off the worries of my personal life.

  3. I am so glad you had a good afternoon - and love the work done on that property.

  4. Always good to see unloved areas get a bit of work gives them them a lift.

  5. Sounds like a good day all around.

  6. How wonderful! I bet the long gone Sullivans are smiling from the great beyond.

  7. Neat to see the new building and landscaping on something that was once abandoned. Good feeling I am sure!


  8. I'll bet you were surprised and happy!

  9. Now that was a productive day - isn't it a great feeling? I hope you had something good for lunch to celebrate.

  10. So nice to see a derelict property getting a new lease on life.

  11. I do love the white picket fences you have over there. We never see them here but if they are kept well painted and in good repair I think they look absolutely splendid.

  12. there are lots of road around here named after folks more than any other place I've lived and many are private roads which are blue and county maintained roads are green, nice to have someone rehab an old property

  13. I like to see people buy older properties and fix them up.

  14. Hari OM
    My word, but that is a transformation! What a great day - work done and uplifting refurbishments... I look forward to reading/seeing what else that day offered!!! YAM xx

  15. Yes, there is something about a white picket fence. Good day.

  16. nice to see a place rescued and an official street sign. makes me think about the old summer camp place you reported on that someone bought.

  17. My little town is discussing ways to bring new families in to the community. Maybe we will get a grocery store!
