
Friday, April 15, 2016

Story number two would always have a happy ending, but it got better

 December 2012

You all recall, I know, the township property that interested me so I could be accused of stalking. It was a small family campground named Lazy Acres.

It was a fifties and sixties kind of place; then the laughter and fun moved on to new attractions. Lazy Acres went on the market, sold by the sons of the owners,(in their seventies, I learned) to two families; grandparents and one of their daughters and son-in-law.

March through September 2014

Demolition continued

We found a big house and a little house.
The stuff of stories.
We decided the big house belonged to Mama and Papa,
the little house the Grandma and Grandpa.

I intended to stop back and meet someone, but I never saw anyone.
Yesterday I did.
I drove straight back, introduced myself, and confessed my obsession with the place.

I met the Grandparents, 
who live in this house, since last August.

Weekends, holidays, and come this summer,
thirteen grandchildren have the run of the main level.
How cool is that.

The little house belongs to a daughter and son-in-law, who hope to occupy it this summer.

Now, I must take my watermark off my collection of pictures, and send them to the grandparents.


  1. Great story. Glad you got to meet the family. I can't imagine so many grandchildren. Wonderful though!

  2. I am glad you followed through with this saga. I have wondered from time to time how things were going there. It is a great story and one I hope the family involved will save to show people in the future.

  3. I'm sure they will appreciate the background pictures. Beautiful house and beautiful property. I hop you become friends and get to take some pictures as a guest and not a stalker.

  4. Hari OM
    Oh I am so glad you found a warm welcome and yet another property has been revived! YAM xx

  5. On my stupid IPad ... Who's stupid... Me or it? Anyway... Don't feel like I can converse intelligently... Just checking in... More later .... Love these houses

  6. How lovely. And I love that you introduced yourself and hope it is the beginning of a long friendship.

  7. A beautiful end to the story, nice to have hordes of children to enjoy it all.

  8. Fantastic ending - and hopefully a beginning, too. Thirteen grandchildren! Won't they have great memories when they grow up?

  9. How neat the "big" house is for the grandparents and the grandchildren that come to visit! Glad you decided to "come a'calling!"


  10. The houses turned out very nicely. I can't imagine having thirteen grandchildren in the house at once.

  11. How nice that you took all those early photographs which you can now pass on.
    And how nice too that you have made contact with them. It is certainly an improvement on what was there before isn't it Joanne?

  12. Sounds like that family's dream came true.

  13. It looks like there is enough room in that house to accommodate many, many grandchildren.

  14. Oh, I wish I had that many grandchildren! We fit ours into our airstream trailer. It's a beautiful site. I hope the families will be happy there for years to come.
