
Sunday, February 14, 2016

More reality

 Ten below this morning.

But, the overnight snowfall had to go.

"Me, too."

"Me, too."

Pictures up in the bedroom.

"I thought you had more."
"I put them back in the closet."

Fat brown headed cowbird on the suet. Another on the ground.

My sister quilting one of her scrappy quilts.

Laura, prepping more scraps to be cut into little bits.


  1. that's some quilting machine there, 31 here all day, tomorrow due to be colder I think, no snow yet

  2. Jealous about that quilting machine!!!

  3. Brrrrr..... too cold for me. Love that quilting project. I read a blog... think it's called "TeePeeCabin"... Janna went to a quilt show and has gorgeous photos today. You might like to see them... you can look on my own blog and scrowl down the left sidebar if you're interested in looking.

  4. Love that fuzzy cat tummy.
    Also the two-tone room - very clever. And I think it's to Laura's credit that she's up and finding things to do instead of sulking over her punishment.

  5. Loving that quilt. And the cat. And the birds.
    Oh hell. Loving all of this post. Thank you.

  6. When it gets around 10 degrees here, I stay inside. Fortunately in New Jersey that cold does not stay around very long.

  7. Nice pictures of a full life.

  8. Hari OM
    Some of that is on its way over the pond; we are preparing. Pretty walls - and fabric! YAM xx

  9. Beautiful snow, cute kittens, and a nice look into the day for you. But now I am tired. You wore me out.

  10. 10 below! Geesh! I'd be dead. Guess one learns to layer, right? That cat is adorable. The room looks great, and since I'm a newbie quilter, that table/ machine is huge...

  11. I can't even imagine-10º, being in the 30's is too cold. Like the look of the quilt and the cat.

  12. Happy Valentine's Day! Wish I could send up some of warm air - I think it hit 75 today -

  13. LOVE the painting of the black cat! Did Laura do that one?

    Her room looks wonderful. She's done a great job decorating.

    1. I don't know where the cat came from. So far, all her art work is in a big portfolio in the closet.

  14. 10 below is terrible. I guess our winter has been pretty mild or I'd be bitching a lot more about it.

  15. I heard it was really cold in that part of the country; stay as warm as you can! I like that view of the bench :)


  16. Laura's room looks lovely, she has a decorating flair.
    I love the quilt-in-progress.

  17. There is a lovely feeling of home here Joanne.

  18. That snow is coming here and I will be shoveling again. It is nice that you have help.

    Toby is a beauty.

  19. the coldest weather I have ever been in was 5 below. plenty of cold enough for me. I couldn't leave Chicago fast enough.

  20. Beautiful quilts, Joanne - and more snow is awaited here too.

  21. I just love that bedroom with the blue and purple walls!

  22. Joanne -- When I lived in Michigan I remember the days of -degrees and deep snow falls. But I rather liked them as it seemed to warm the family with inside activities plus a few outside such as snow forts and snow shoveling. Just like your family -- all warm and cozy or having fun outside. Snow isn't always terrible like the weather folks like to preach. -- barbara
