
Monday, February 8, 2016

Library day

We went to the library this weekend.
On the way into town we passed this recently renovated little house. 
I like the pea green door.

The library had new carpeting installed last month.
I was anxious to see the results.

The stone mosaic mural was designed by Honore Guilbeau-Cooke, Peninsula's famous depression era artist, and one of the founders of the Library and Historical Society.

Just past the vestibule.

Children's section.

One of the activity rooms, being readied for making valentine crafts.

The teen room.

A shot down a stack. The new carpet under the old stuff is perfect.

Perusing the music CD's. 
We refurbished Laura's old computer with no thought to retaining her music collection. 

Some things remain in flux.

I love these last two pictures of fingers and library cards.


  1. I love libraries. I am sad that we don't go as often now! I download books onto my Nook and the kids use the school library. I must plan an outing for the library. Yours looks marvelous!

  2. I love libraries too, we were poor when I was a kid, but the library let me travel the world.

  3. I love libraries, the older the better. It may be the smell of books... don't know. There's just something about them.

  4. So sweet. What are you going to do when they are gone? Reminds me of when we made our weekly trip to the Carnigie library to pick out books.

  5. Few things better than seeing a teen in a library.
    I'm a faithful library-goer; I always feel like I've scored a big haul when I leave with an armful of books- - For Free!

  6. Hari OM
    Still have magic, do libraries! YAM xx

  7. My favourite place as a child was the library.Our local one is too small...we have more books than they do.
    Jane x

  8. Looks like a fine library. I spent many wonderful hours in a library as a child.

  9. I remember the magic of the first library I was ever at... I was 7 years old... before that all I'd known was the Bookmobile that came to my little town every 2 weeks. I still feel that magic today... even talk in hushed tones and wouldn't think of taking a soft drink in or chewing gun there. Kinda like church ;-)

  10. Our town was too small to have it's own library, we depended on the Bookmobile... a trip to a real library was a special treat; it still is!

  11. Love the hair colors. My mother took us to the library every Saturday--a good memory.


  12. We have lots of those Cape Cods in this area, very nice design for a small home...I gotta say though I would repaint that door.

    I haven't been to a library in a thousand years, do they still use a card catalog and the Dewey decimal system or is everything on a computer?

  13. Looked like a great library and neat that Emily and Laura seem to enjoy their time there :) Always such a great resource with the library; sad more people don't take advantage of it.


  14. It's a beautiful library, the new carpet is lovely. I like the colourful children's area.
    How sad to have lost all of Laura's music library, I hope she can replace it all.
    I don't like the pea green door, I would have a different colour.

  15. A beautiful, warm, functional library. Good that the girls are so at home there. I LIKE the green door. I think because it is so surprising, so UNEXPECTED.

  16. Nowadays, Google is very handy.
    Though it cannot replace libraries.

  17. You have no snow now! Would you like some? (we're on our second major storm inside a week)

    Lovely library. Lovely girls. Wise grandma.

  18. Libraries are truly wonderful places. This one looks like a beauty. Many happy hours, many dreams held within...

  19. I like this post, it is so good to know that libraries are still here, in many small comunities here they are deserted.

  20. that's quite a large library and an activity room as well, how nice

  21. Libraries are great! They are church-like to me, along with art museums.

  22. As a kid in a small farming town, the bookmobile was our link.College libraries were wonderful meeting places. When my child was small we "punished" her by not allowing her to sign out anymore books!! Children's librarian asked me not to say that out loud. The head librarian in Eastlake, Ohio had flaming red hair and was loud. It was the best library ever. Now use mine on-line to sign out books on tape for my MP-3. Still go there to pick out DVD. They cannot disappear. Some people still read real books and actually write cursive. Too much technology is not a good thing. There, I've said my part.

    1. In Mentor, the girls used their school libraries. We didn't visit the Mentor library often, weekends were just too busy. When the county started LakeTran experimentally the girls rode it to the mall and the library. When the six month experiment was over and it went on the ballot for funding, Beth and Shelly went door to door campaigning for its passage. They were maybe ten and twelve. The levy failed, end of public transportation in Lake County. I see the little blue buses now, every time I'm up there.

  23. Our library is unusable due to mold. They keep trying to fix it, but it comes right back, and trying to move everything to a new location just infected the new location. Weird to have so much mold in the desert! I don't think that ultimately anything can be saved. Your library is pretty.

  24. I haven't been to a library in years.

  25. Love a library. I like the new carpeting more than that lime green door.

  26. What a wonderful library you have there Joanne. How lucky you are. Ours is small and in danger of closing in 'cuts to be made' - there is some talk of it being manned by volunteers.

  27. You have a beautiful library. It seems cozy and light. I so enjoy spending time in any library.

  28. That's a nice bright and light filled library, most ones I seen tend to be dark but lit with lights for reading.
    I like the pea green door too.

  29. Lovely library with lots of room to stretch out and peruse the collections -- Nice photos -- barbara

  30. I love to go to the library! I have to pay because I live outside the city limits. It is a nominal fee. I haven't been in awhile. I usually just access the audio books and download them to my I-phone. As you can imagine my little city library does not have a huge selection. My son hooked me up with a library card at his library in Minnesota and my horizons have definitely opened up!! I most often have a book going while I am in the sewing room or the kitchen and always while I mow!

  31. The little house you passed by is so lovely: like a house painted in a children's book. The blue&violet hair makes a fine splash of colour in the library!

  32. Gotta love the library. May no one --- NO ONE --- ever see a reason to end their run.

  33. What a cute little house, Joanne. And it's always nice to see libraries trying to accommodate children and teens. It looks great.
