
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Two posts in one day, but what's a grandma to do?

Tonight is homecoming. 
Emily's dress is pretty cool.
I asked to see her shoes.
3" heels.

The theme is masquerade.
She has a mask from Aunt Beth's stash.
A friend made the duct tape boutineer.

Her expert hair braider.

Her very nice guy.
For the first time in four years Scott is driving her to the dance.
His mother is so happy.

And she rocks those three inch heels.


  1. I am sure she will have a fun night. She looks very pretty.

  2. The kids look great. What a fun time!

  3. So sweet and pretty. Melts my heart.

  4. Good for her with the 3 inch heels :) Such a pretty young woman and they make a great looking couple!! I'm thinking you are pretty confident about Scott and his driving ability; I'm not sure you would entrust her to any "normal" teen driver :)

    I hope they have a delightful time!


  5. Proud Grandma is proud, as she should be!

    What a lovely young woman Emily has become. =)

  6. Emily looks so pretty and the young couple is very well coordinated for the evening.

  7. I hope they have a wonderful, wonderful time.
    And love your proud Grandma post.
    Three inch heels? I would be on the floor.

  8. They are a handsome couple. I hope prom is all she wants it to be.

  9. Joanne - she looks delightful - you must be so proud. Years into the future she will talk about you and what a wonderful grandma you were.

  10. Hari OM
    You have every right to boast this one Joanne!!! What 'handsome couple' as the saying is... If Scott is as placid as his expression, she's got a good 'un ! YAM xx

  11. I hope they had a wonderful evening x

  12. 3 inch is something that needs a lot of practice I suppose.

  13. All grown up! I hope she had a super time.

  14. He looks older. Classic. Cute couple.

  15. What a nice outfit and a very cute friend.

  16. Homecoming! How wonderful! I hope it was fun, fun, fun! Will we hear more?

  17. Nice look. Oh to be so young and thank goodness I'm not.

  18. four years together? I've never known a high school romance to last that long. they do look nice together.

    1. They're best friends and both seem well grounded. Scott passed my boyfriend test two years ago, when his mother would pick Emily up for an event, I would bring her home and Scott drove alone. By this year both had passed my "maturity" tests, so she went with Scott. In his mother's car.

  19. Your granddaughter looks lovely in her black dress and her nice friend looks oh so handsome. Bet they had fun -- always good to go someplace with someone you know well. -- barbara

  20. She is so grown up! You have raised a beautiful young woman!

  21. They look really spiffy. Hope they had/have an excellent time.

  22. It is so nice to see the responsible young lady Emily is becoming. She has earned your trust. Both of you worked so hard on it and nice to see it paying off. Love the 3 inch heels. Oh, to be young again. Know you won't sleep until she is back home and will be anxious to hear more about their wonderful evening. Love to both of you.

  23. She is lovely! So nice to be there to watch her have fun.

  24. Beautiful girl! Wow! Three inch heels. I could never wear them. I bet she had an amazing time!!

  25. She has grown into a fine young woman, Scott is a handsome escort too.
    Three inch heels? Yowza!

  26. Aw, they are so cute!! It looks like so much fun. And way better that she's wearing those heels than I. LOL What the young can endure. :-)

  27. Absolutely beautiful! Hard to believe she has grown so much. 3 inch heels? I'd be taking them off after walking down the driveway! Hope she had a great time.

  28. Hope she has a lovely time.

  29. Awwww... They make such a lovely couple. I hope they had an evening to remember happily forever.

  30. She is absolutely lovely! I don't know about 3" heels though. I predict they will make it through the first dance.
