
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Autumnal thoughts

The colchium are coming up everywhere.
Dad would be so pleased.

Next year a flat of this little groundcover is going into the coral bell plot.
It has taken over the yucca and pampas chunk of garden.
Though it's growing its way through the sidewalk cracks over to the coral bells,
a flat booster in spring will bring the project up to speed.

 Always weeds, but far fewer than when we started three years ago.
I love all the wooly thyme over here.
This is where all the anemones will appear come spring.

The mandevilla owns its hook.
I have a note on the April page of my 2016 calendar:

A little corner of baloon flowers.
The weeds know this is the place to be, down with delicate little plants and hard to sort out.

A last hurrah from the bee and butterfly plot.

Sedum. It must be September.

Thinning the summer growth.
It surely is September.


  1. Terrific garden, thanks to a lot of helpers.

  2. Looks good though. Mine will stay full of weeds till it cools off again here.

  3. I have so much maintenance to do now that it is cooling off somewhat though not cool by a long shot. weeds, yes, to get out. need to cull the gone by purple cone flowers. need to redefine the borders of my gardens and get the grass out. not to mention haul in a truck load of dirt to build and add to other gardens. love the colchiums. I wonder how many chill hours they need. probably wouldn't naturalize here.

  4. I love the way colchicum just pop up here and there and surprise me every Autumn. I always forget exactly where they are until one morning, there there are purple and perky.

  5. You ask Joanne how many hens it takes to keep us in eggs. The answer is very few as we try not to eat too many eggs and we also try not to have too much cake for our health's sake. We always have bacon and egg for breakfast at the week-end and sometimes during the week for a quick lunch or tea. But we do like to give friends and neighbours a dozen a week. Our neighbours have two small boys - one and six - who both love eggs. The older one comes round once a week for their eggs. I also give them to family. It we have any left then a friend in the village puts them on a table at the gate (we live too far out of the village to make it worth doing) with an honesty box so that we usually make enough money to buy their food.
    It is just that the farmer does love to see hens scratching about in the farmyard.

  6. I imagine that after this garden weeding you will have your garden pretty much ready for its winter bed. So much work but so rewarding -- barbara

  7. I so enjoy looking at the flowers. Lovely!

  8. It must be gratifying to have such a lovely garden. Your assistant seems to be enjoying herself too.

  9. Hari OM
    Have been around long enough to have seen you through two winters already; can see how your garden goes...&*> Beautiful colours even now. YAM xx

  10. Love your helpers, and your garden. Our sedum is just starting to leaf out again. Promises of beauty to come - some months down the track.

  11. your garden is wonderful, fun to see it grow

  12. Oh, so lovely...the flowering plants and the two young women.

  13. I just love seeing all the beautiful flowers in your garden.
