
Thursday, August 13, 2015

Also seen at the township, or, a lament on summer's end

All summer Emily and Laura have helped at the library on Tuesday and Thursdays, and walked from there to the Town Hall to wait for me to be done work.
School starts next week; visitors to the building soon will have empty windows.

Look who scored the Heidelberg shirt!

And her cousin's old boots.
Jackboots eat your hearts out.


  1. Here, school starts September 8th. :-/

  2. Hari OM
    Very very stylish!!! Go gals... YAM xx

  3. ah nice to see young folks enjoying reading and books

  4. I always wanted a window seat... one with cushions... maybe a bow window... pillows, a good book, and maybe a cat to sit on my lap. But I'd have been perfectly happy with the ones the girls have.

  5. My school seems to start early. The kids in Butte will be starting next week also, while my goddaughter at Cal won't start until Oct., but she's in grad school.
    Yeah, cool boots. They look rather military, like the ones worn in the '60's.

  6. Good for Emily and Laura for helping at the library - volunteer work? Good stuff.

    I love boots but I would die of heat in the summer. Kids are made of sterner stuff, clearly.

    1. Yes, the volunteer for the children's programs and the reading group.

  7. Too soon, too soon for summer to end and kids back in school. What happened to kids returning to school in September.

  8. Here school starts on the 24th of August... and it's too hot for the kids to be out anyway, so they might as well be in school (unless of course they're relaxing in a window and reading in an AC library - that looks comfy).

  9. Next week!? I keep forgetting that school doesn't start in September anymore. And I forget every year.

  10. How cool helping out at the library and then reading at the library too! I like the boots too! Where did summer go? It seemed to go by way too fast and I wasn't even on summer vacation :)


  11. Great way to hang out at the library.

  12. Now that I'm no longer teaching, I lose track of school's beginning. Used to be that my August was pretty mocha write off preperation for the new year..
    Love seeing the girls there reading in the window. I remember hanging out in libraries myself at that age.

  13. Miss Laura's Heidelberg shirt re-invented looks good on her too.

  14. I don't care what t-shirts or boots they are wearing. It's all about the books. Good mentor, joanne.

  15. The pictures of the girls in the windows are keepers.

  16. Window reading is great. How wonderful to have wide window sills.

  17. Dear Joanne, I still remember the beginning of vacations as a child: it seemed an endless time lying in front of us. Now time gets by quicker - normally, that is: at the moment Berlin still simmers in hot air, and we are moving only languidly, even our fingers on the Keyboard ... get... slower... and slowe....

  18. They really do both look such lovely girls.

  19. Love the picture! Reading in the window is a favorite pastime of mine!!
