
Monday, March 23, 2015

Winter of discontent

With apologies to Steinbeck and Shakespeare and Richard III…

The road super asked for more pictures on the township website.  I checked to see the last time I posted there and it was that sunrise early in January, when I first began taking Emily to work at the ski run. Home from work today, I took the camera and went out for at minimum a crocus. It is cold, there is no sunshine, and their little faces are wrapped up tight. A metaphor for this winter.

Emily and Laura are on spring break this week. They have no special activities planned until the last half of the week, so I laid out the chores. Housecleaning has been very light this winter, with Emily gone every weekend, so a “deep clean” seemed in order. I came home and immediately saw everything that has irritated me all winter. Dusty baseboards and registers. A door not opened to clean the floor under and on the other side.  Channeling my grandmother who cleaned the cut work on the back of her dining room chairs with a cloth wrapped around a butter knife, I took two young women on a walk through and point out. None of us felt any better for it.

Beautiful weather is forecast for tomorrow; I will take my camera to work to take advantage of the sun before that new storm comes in on Wednesday. If nothing else, the road super’s smiling face may show up on the web page. Or my granddaughters vacuuming the entire basement! 

January 10, 2015


  1. When the sun shines in, we see all the dust that has accumulated.

    1. Fortunately, that doesn't happen often. :)

  2. Here' s hoping to a glorious summer as the son of York is laid to rest (In Leicester on Thursday).
    Jane x

  3. Beautiful sunset. It so funny how the moment Spring arrives we see things that never bothered us over the winter. I feel the same. Suddenly everything seems dingy and dirty and ready for a thorough cleaning. These days though I don't do "Spring cleaning" as such.I just do the bet I can here and there. Good thing you have 2 helpers. I'm sure you will all feel better when the work is done.

  4. I would love to smell the clean house when it is done. Nothing better in the springtime. I am cleaning out papers as it is tax time. No good smells from that!!

  5. What a pretty sky picture! Always good to give the house a spring cleaning when kids are on spring break :)


  6. I think the road super could take some pictures too. My goodness he must see some sights that you don't see.

  7. Love the sunset. And am seeing far too many neglected corners in this house.

  8. My grandmother used to always say you cannot remove dust, you merely move it from one spot to another. I think I would prefer a walk in the sun to relocating dust any day

  9. It seems your grand daughters clean house the same way my daughter does. My younger daughter, the older girl has floors you could eat off.
    I have a little long term dust hiding in several corners too.

  10. Put them to work! I have plans for OB but I don't think he'll be keen....

  11. Hari OM
    I am sitting in a sunpuddle and was contemplating the 'spring clean' too... but that requires energy. Maybe one room at a time... We have been warned of a regression in weather and more snow and ice - the tail whipping over this side of the pond. But meanwhile, I'll continue hugging this sunpuddle right here.... YAM xx

  12. I am a terrible house cleaner. when we moved into the country house I swore to be better, to not let it get away from me. but, you know the thing about a tiger and it's stripes. or is it a leopard and it's spots? anyway, I am who I am. it's not grungy dirty but there's usually dust on something.

  13. I sympathise with you and your granddaughters I love a clean house, but I hate housework, it's so unrewarding. No matter how well you do it you'll just have to do it again.

  14. With my migraines, I firmly believe we should have a house cleaner twice a month. But that means I will have to clean the house to get ready for house cleaner.

  15. Long ago I read this: Doing housework is like putting beads on a string with no knot on the end.

    ... that's my story and I'm sticking to it :)

  16. Spring break at our house too. We are doing outside work. I swear they would do nothing but throw things at each other if I didn't stay on top of them all the time!!!!

  17. Spring break here as well, the wife has gone to Vegas for the week with some fellow school district employee's. Someone had to stay home and work on that list.

  18. Ah - the dust (and wrinkles) shown in March's sun.... It can only get better, because the sunrays in the following months are more forgiving (and one has done a bit of "la puliza").

  19. Spring cleaning. My Mother was a demon at it. And all that dust that seems not such a big deal in those cold, dreary Winter months, seems just....impertinent in the Spring.

  20. Spring cleaning... that's when my Mom washed ALL the dishes and knick-knacks (and she had plenty)... the dishes that we used only on holidays.... all that stuff. Did you ever have curtain stretchers? Probably not many have even heard of those deadly, spiked sticks that you clamped together and speared your lacy curtains on..... oh what memories you dredged up. Me? For me it's washing windows... inside and out... and all these years and various cleaners later, (including vinegar water) I STILL have streaky windows!
