
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Note to self and ski report

Laura and I spent the morning removing piles of bird seed hulls,
oak leaves, and last year's detritus.

 There was something very hard, like a rock, under one pile of hulls.
It was a big block of ice.
The succulent pot looks good, and all the mosses are filling in.

But next year we will take the leaf blower to the leaves in the fall!

It was Winter Festival at the ski jump.
The pink bunny made it so.

This is the slosh pit.
All those celebrants are waiting their turn
To ski through that large pool of water.

 Last day--tomorrow.


  1. There is more snow there than I saw all the way from MT to Seattle, all three passes are bare.

  2. Oh Yuck! What some folks won't do for entertainment ;-) But the pink bunny is kinda cute....

  3. I bet it was a good experience.

  4. Your garden - and your lack of snow - is WAY ahead of ours. We won't be cleaning out the flower garden until July this year :) That may be an exaggeration brought on by too many snowstorms, but given that you can often find June snow in the woods within fifteen miles of here, it may not be too much of a stretch this year.

  5. Flowers!

    I don't know which is scarier... that big pink bunny, or the fact that people willingly slosh in icy water and frozen mud. Our garden clean out commences next weekend; time to get Wellies.

  6. Lets just skip spring and bring on summer

  7. How funny Winter Festival at the ski slopes on the second day of spring :) Loved the green I saw instead of snow! I bet it felt good to get outside and get some work done :)


  8. The pink bunny made me smile.
    I am wrestling with out garden too. And haven't yet started on the bird seed husks... I wonder whether they make good mulch?

  9. don't the leaves insulate everything against the cold ?

  10. We will be cleaning in our yard this week. We are on spring break!! Love the pictures of the ski resort. Skiing with a bunny, what fun!

  11. Lovely colorful pictures. The end of ski season means spring is coming soon.

  12. The slosh pit! That sounds like tremendous fun.
    Love the little yellow crocuses peeping up.
    Do the bird seed hulls have to be removed? Could they not be spread and left as mulch?

  13. Looks like spring is here for sure!

  14. I love those yellow crosus - yes Spring is really here.

  15. Hari OM
    Ski season done? That's it for sure then. Summer round the corner!!! YAM xx

  16. I won't be happy until all the white stuff is gone...the pink bunny didn't convince me.
    Jane x

  17. I'm sure at least one person will be glad for the end of ski season.

  18. I guess it's sad for the avid skiers when the snow is gone. As for us here in Texas, I think Spring has sprung! We have been having a good bit of rain, but no cold... which is lovely. And the Bradford pears are blooming as well as other trees and plants budding out. Will Emily get a summer job?

  19. You have a different world from mine, obviously. Snow, for one thing. Lol.

  20. MAYBE I'd go down for free on a sled.

  21. Snow is new to me and if we ever got some I would be amazed but I bet it's wore out it welcome in your neck of the woods.

  22. Is that at Boston Mills? If so, I remember tumbling head over heals down that mountain a few times. I was much more limber back then. Today I'm sure I'd have a broken hip or two :) Glad to see your snow is finally melting!
