
Saturday, March 14, 2015

The usual this morning, the 7 a.m. alarm to take the intrepid ski lift monitor to work by eight.
But we checked the ski slope web page and
they are closed today due to rain.
Open tomorrow, though.
We'll see.
View down my road.

 Fog in my yard.
Look at the seed hulls we'll be cleaning out soon.
Not today, it's raining.

Probably a downy woodpecker.
Hard to distinguish between downy and hairy, but this one seems small enough to be a downy.
Not too small to contribute to the big mess under the feeder!

Laura's garden art, collecting fog drops.

But one bulb is up, in front of the pinks, which look pretty good, too.

So much to clean up.
When the rain stops.

The view last August.
Stay tuned.


  1. Our gardens all seem somuch further ahead than yours - and what a lovely woodpecker, so different from our greater spotted, which is a regular visitor.

  2. We're rainy too. The Wisteria, Dogwoods and Azaleas are starting to bloom here.

  3. Let's hear it for spring thaw! And the bonus is your granddaughter will no longer have to go to that job with the surly and thoughtless people.

  4. Fog here as well....looks like skiing season may soon be over.

  5. Goes from one to another, snow, now rain. Seems like a good day to stay inside I think!


  6. your snow is melting, that's a good sign.

  7. The fog sure has been pretty (but I haven't had to drive in it at all)

  8. Wow, it looks so cold there.

  9. Hari OM
    Oh that summer shot is such a promise of things to come again..... nearly there! YAM xx

  10. Those ski mountains can probably stay open much longer, but when the snow starts to melt elsewhere, the skiers just stay away. What a great part time winter job though.

    Plenty of work awaits when the rain stops.

  11. I love the garden art. I don't know the difference between woodpeckers.


  12. Loving your garden views. And would love to see some of that rain.
    Yup on the seed husk front. They are not tidy eaters. At all.

  13. Just when you could have had a well deserved lie-in - up at 7am and they close the ski lift. love Laura's garden art.

  14. Good thing you checked the web site before you left.....yes, I have a lot of clean up waiting for me too! Ugh

  15. Laura's garden art is cool.

  16. And now Mud season commences...

    I'll take it over snow and cold any day!

  17. This was a fun pictorial view of your world. Lovely.

  18. We are also having a bit of a drizzle. I would prefer a good soaking to get rid of as much snow as possible.

  19. We have mist and a rainy day happening at the moment but two hours ago it was sunny and warm, quick change but not for the better.

  20. I'm nervous about this early Spring. Life on the prairie is tricky. I've seen the temps rise to 80 degrees and then in a week's time...a snowstorm. But, I am hopeful. And I ADORE that photo of the green shoot peaking out. My tulips are almost up, too.

  21. Pea soup outside is OK if I am inside. Fog means there is warm air around. I can't wait till it takes over, the warmth, not the fog.

  22. Rain, not snow. That has to be encouraging.

  23. The photos are lovely. I like the big pink hollyhocks in the last picture, mine didn't flower, I planted them too late from seeds I collected on my way around the neighbourhood.
    God to see the fog instead of more snow, things must be warming up your way.

  24. Dear Joanne, "so much to clean up!" - I follow you there: the birds on my balcony have made an incredible mess (I suspect they choose first the best, then the second best... and then they have to go down from the table with the bird feeder to pick up the rest, haha). Your weather looks more bleak than ours - here the forsythia starts to flower, reluctantly though.

  25. Always good when the fog is on the outside and not the inside.

  26. Your snow is melting while ours is piling up (another blizzard today). Ah well, I know that summer does eventually come, and I'd rather the cold than the heat ... so I'll stop whining now :)
