
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Snow bet on skiing next weekend

I was so intent on taking a picture of skiing in mud
I missed Emily going to the car!

The snow is going, going.
There is one large mud patch on the north slope,
for "advanced" skiers. 

And back at home,
Here is the bed of daffs and tulips.

The wooly thyme seems pleased to be out from under snow,
and that fat bulb probably is a colchium. 

No more garden until we clean it up.
This week I'll tell you about going toe to toe with the Park.
I don't know who will blink first.


  1. It appears as though spring is coming to visit you.

  2. Those are huge acorns. Mine are pretty small!

  3. Look at the signs of life.....fantastic.

  4. So nice to see the earth again... even if it is so muddy. Was this the last weekend for the skiers?

  5. Bet you are glad to see the end of the snow and the beginning of spring.

  6. I like your new blog header picture! Glad to see that the snow is melting and plants are sprouting up! Looking forward to your story about going toe to toe.


  7. Exciting times. Loving your bulbs, and looking forward to the toe to toe story.

  8. Hari Om
    OMG look at that header prancing on the screen all spring like!!! Woooohhoooooo.... YAM xx

  9. Lots of daffs and tulips coming up. my daffs disappeared altogether. People picked the flowers as they bloomed and the bulbs just vanished. I dug around a bit but couldn't find a single one. It will be time to plant my bulbs soon.

  10. Your header surely proves that your snow has moved on to colder places. Your garden debris photo is cute -- some squirrels had a riotous time in your yard breaking up their dinner table after enjoying all those acorns which meant they left those now empty shells. Enjoy your spring garden! -- barbara.

  11. I believe the green will come again!

  12. Cleaning up in the garden - don't mention it - our garden after winter is in an awful mess and at present it is just too cold to venture out there although all the snow is gone.

  13. You must have a few oak trees around given the number of acorns in your last picture.

  14. Wow, the snow has almost disappeared.

  15. Someone would pay for a lift ticket for THAT?

  16. It's always amazing to me just how quickly the snow can melt. I'm sure you are glad to see the end of snow in your area.

  17. I was starting to think your snow would never depart! I am glad you are seeing the green shoots at last.

  18. I love that moment when I realize that the tulips are peeking out.

  19. Come on , can do it!
    Jane x

  20. We've just had another blizzard. I can't wait until our yard looks like yours! And looking forward to the story to come.

  21. It has been a disappointing spring with all the overcast days but this week the sun has fought bravely out by mid-day. Today though I saw that things are going to bust into bloom soon, other than the trees that is. Re you and the park...I rather imagine they had a nervous tic or two by the time you were through with them.
