
Friday, December 19, 2014

The Winter Band Concert and Marzipan

It has been three weeks since the great defeat put one loss in the football team's record. In that time the bands prepared their winter concert. White Band, Blue Band, Wind Symphony and Wind Symphony Percussion Ensemble. Close to two hundred youngsters.

All the bands were excellent, in my opinion, although Emily did point out they played fewer and easier songs. I have no idea. I left my hearing aids home and enjoyed myself immensely. The picture I regret not taking--the Percussion Ensemble, complete with Santa hats, except the director, who wore a grinch hat and a delightful accompanying grin.


The White Band.
Flutes are in the vicinity of the center right Poinsettia.

Emily is second row, second chair, this year.
You don't need to be blond to play flute,
except, it seems, to play
chairs one through three.

This young lady was on the other side of the podium.
Taking care of that hair must be difficult,
But isn't it magnificent!

Today the postal service brought me a package from my elf in Wisconsin. "Oh, Ann, you needn't have," I thought. I pulled several little parcels from the packing, and a big one. Little ones first, and they turned out to be marzipan. Ann knows I'd do a U-turn for marzipan. Isn't the Santa just a delight!

The big parcel was half a dozen suet cakes for my flying pigs. What a pleasant surprise.


  1. Today our high school orchestra, band, and choir played for the elementary school kids.

  2. I think the best part of a Christmas cake is marzipan. I have family who carefully leave theirs on the plate. It doesn't stay there long!

  3. I miss holiday band concerts. Favorite Young Man's high school band always finished the Christmas concert with a carol, which they played faster and faster and faster until everyone was out of breath.


  4. My grandkids don't play musical instruments. They prefer to play soccer.

  5. I remember my kids playing in winter concerts. That was lovely.
    Enjoy those gifts.

  6. Never being musically inclined I don't have many memories of those events... BUT... when I was a little kids, our school always put on a Christmas program and my Mom had to make me a dress? skirt? out of crepe paper... red, yellow or some such color. I can only remember that if it got wet the colors would run and everything, including your skin, would turn that color. Truth is, I don't have very fond memories of school programs..... so it's nice to hear about some pleasant ones.

  7. LOVE the "flying pigs!" A loud chuckle here.

  8. Hari OM
    ........mmmmmmmmmmm totally lost me at marzipan...................... and what lucky birds. YAM xx

  9. it is that busy time of the year when, if we are lucky enough to have a grandchild in the band, winter concerts are on the agenda. They are always entertaining and the teenagers are so talented. They work hard and we grandparents are always so proud.

    Marzipan is such a wonderful treat. Enjoy!

    Have a wonderful holiday with your beautiful family, Joanne.

  10. Good idea leaving the hearing aids at home :-)

  11. Marzipan. I don't like it, but my mum used to love it. Every Christmas there would be marzipan in little bowls in the kitchen, lounge room beside her bed.
    What a lovely surprise for the birds too, suet cakes.
    The band looks lovely, every one in their gowns.

  12. Mmmm marzipan. I am hoping that some materialises over here.
    Love the suet cakes for the flying pigs.
    And the bands looked amazing.

  13. Nice looking band! Glad you enjoyed the concert! Hubby had his winter band concert last night (he helped out with the middle school band director with the guitar students these past four years we've lived here and helps out with the concert, playing along with the kids, has a solo sometimes; gets to tune 100 plus guitars :)

    gifts in the mail are always a welcomed treat I do believe!


  14. If ever I'm given marzipan's yours!
    Jane x

  15. That's the kind of mail we all like to get lol.

  16. I love marzipan too. There was a lovely recipe on television last night for grating marzipan as a topping on to mince pies instead of a pastrytopping. You will probably find it if you are interested at and then look for Mary Berry's mince pie recipe.

  17. The winter band concert must have been delightful! You go, Emily!

    Suet is available only in foreign/European food markets here. Cost quite a bit. Marzipan is the crowning top! Mouth drooling here. Merry Christmas!

  18. Yep, that is always where I sat. Christmas concers are lovely.

  19. the white band is wearing all black? and what great gifts from a friend who knows you well.

  20. Oh my gosh! They're too beautiful to eat.

  21. I love music and bands and orchestras and children playing musical instruments and also marzipan and surprises. Have a Good Christmas Joanne.

  22. Dear Joanne, thank you for the wonderful pink scarf! I will write a special post on it, of course with a photo, after Christmas. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!

    1. Won't that be fun; I look forward to it. And a Merry Christmas to your and your family, too.

  23. "I left my hearing aids home and enjoyed myself immensely." Hah!

    All the best to you and yours this Christmas, Joanne!
