
Monday, November 17, 2014

Some of us had a very good day

Not Toby, who would not face it!

Four cans of bird seed 

Filled five bird feeders, just in the nick of time.

And, Laura made jazz band.
She's so excited!


  1. Isn't this weather NUTS? I am not a fan of snow in November. In November, I am supposed to be in a sweater, kicking through golden and red leaves, not shivering all the way to work with the heater on high.

  2. Is Toby watching the game?

  3. Congratulations to Laura!
    I'm on Toby's side in this, no one should have to face snow... especially not this early in the year.

  4. Good for Laura. Because of you, you know. Her talent of course but support is essential. And so sorry about the white layer out there.

  5. WTG to Laura!!! Maybe the white snow was too bright for Toby?


  6. Good for Laura and know she will enjoy it. My cat, chappy goes out happy and returns happy.Kitty paw prints in the snow shows me he is camped out on the neighbors' hot tub. Toby looks happy where is has decided to camp out. Despite all, it is a beautiful,but heavy, snow. No satellite TV this am so public radio had to give me the report-plus looking outside.

  7. What a stunning picture of that snowy tree! We had our first snow Friday night and it stayed until today when it warmed up enough to rain.

    Congratulations to Laura - she will have fun.

  8. Yay for Laura.
    And I LOVE that photo of the tree. I may bookmark it for days when I am in meltdown mode.

  9. The snow looks nice. Those are huge can's of bird seed. How lucky for the birds. I'm glad for Laura!

  10. Hari OM
    Picture postcard stuff... but also, 'yuk'... Meanwhile Dunoon is having something of an 'indian flush', with moderate temps and (sshhhhhhh) Mr S is in the sky.... crazy climate. YAM xx

  11. congrats to Laura, music is so important, she's going to love it

  12. Congratulations to Laura. Toby will face it once the birds start putting on a show for him.

  13. Congratulations,Laura!
    Toby, my sweet, I'm with you.
    Jane x

  14. Those photos are so nice they should be on greeting cards.

  15. Congratulations to your granddaughter. Your pictures are beautiful, but then snow is always beautiful in pictures. It's the reality of it that I can't deal with.

  16. Joanne,
    you've snow already! This year is so strange: in mid-November we could sit in street cafés in Berlin, outside, the sun shining, up to 20°C. Though now it is getting fresher - though 7°C are no reason to moan.

  17. You are a weaver. I should have visited here sooner, and viewed you as a blogger in your own right rather than a commentator on Tom's. I am always delighted to meet a weaver.

  18. Toby knows which side his bread is buttered, but well done to Laura for braving it all and getting to her jazz band meeting. Love your header picture.

  19. That beautiful snow, viewed from the comfort of my armchair in a warm and cosy house, and where there is no snow (yet) is so picturesque. Toby is a sensible cat though.

  20. I agree with Toby, bad weather puts me in a bad mood. Congrats to your Laura.

  21. Jazz band! That's HUGE! I'm so excited for her, too!

  22. I have to say it, sparkly new snow is so gorgeous, it's winter wonderland stuff, like a glittery fairytale.
    I know you're not ready for winter, and the snow is too soon, but it's so very pretty.
    Meanwhile, we're not ready for summer yet, those of us who don't enjoy the heat that is, yet today we had 35C and it's still spring!

  23. No snow, yet, in our part of the UK but the weather's gone mad - I have Daffodils and crocuses already breaking 2" through the potting compost.....!
