
Friday, November 14, 2014

Everything old is new again

In truth, everything old about me remains old, and I’m casting about for a bit of help.

Last summer I wanted to weave again, but had no loom. This happened before, maybe five years ago. I thought I’d do some “heirloom” weaving for my grandchildren. I borrowed Shelly’s loom, idle since she’d put a full towel warp on and didn't finish before we retired. I wove off the towels, nice huck ones, gave them away, and realized I’d exhausted the desire. I sent the loom back.

Last summer I borrowed Beth’s loom, also with a full towel warp on the warp beam. This time you all were drug in too, watching the cat and me rethreading the loom to my favorite towel pattern. I wove off another fifty odd towels, and gave them all away, too.  This time I found I wanted to continue weaving, on a larger loom. Not a 44”, like the old production weaving days, but a 36” LeClerc would be very nice.

I moaned and groaned about the difficulty of locating a used loom I could love. River, a blogger friend in another hemisphere sent me a Kijiji link (apparently the rest of the world’s answer to Craig’s list), and I had a beautiful 36” LeClerc the first Sunday in October.

Shelly downsized her storage unit and sent me all the cotton thread left from weaving for us. Ann perked right up and offered to return the many pounds I forced her to keep, ten years ago. “You’ll weave something,” I assured her. She bought a kennel, instead.

I may weave clothing fabric again, some day, but for the present I’m seeing how many ways I can find to make a scarf. So far, five, and counting. I guessed I needed an Etsy shop, and that was very easy to set up. Then I wanted to put the link on my Blogger page. That was scary, and I begged Cold Lake Cathy to tell me how. Now it’s done, here’s the secret: just use the link part of the picture gadget.

If you've made it this far, wondering, here it is. I think I’ll add Facebook, too. Can’t have too much social media, “they” say, to the person who has never posted to her Facebook page. Now I have a Joanne Noragon Weaver page, too. It has a URL that would reach to Cathy’s front door. In order for it to have a URL for Joanne Noragon Weaver, it needs twenty or so likes, first. I will be so appreciative if twenty or so of you would go to Joanne Noragon Weaver and like me. Thanks so much.

As for those who wished they could wear my towels, visit my Etsy shop and see what passes for wearing towels. The link is the first icon in the right hand column. If there is advice out there, I would love to hear it,too. Thanks, again.


  1. In truth, everything old about me remains old, and I’m casting about for a bit of help.

    Not everything old gal..not everything x

  2. I LOVE the work in your Etsy shop. Beautiful. I don't play FB or I would assuredly hit 'like' and mean love.

  3. 16 to go! Oh, and what John said. =)

  4. Wonderful! I will be checking you out ;-)

  5. Facebook told me I'm your seventh "Like". Almost halfway there!

  6. There you pleasure to give you a "like". Beautiful work!

  7. as cold as it is I'll wear anything especially your towwls, with the etsy I'vve had a shop for so long and it hans't been active since I left Florida and yet folks are still likeing me, so if you want likes, like others, and make treasuries and it will all start hopping on etsy

  8. I've been to FB and to Etsy...I covet that white scarf.

  9. Good luck in your renewed weaving work and I will look forward to seeing how it develops.

  10. LOVE the new header picture.
    I can't "like" you on facebook since I'm not there myself, but I'm sure enough people will that you don't need me there. Heading to Etsy now.

  11. That turquoise infinity and the cotton cuddle are very lovely.

  12. oh I absolutely love that photo at the top the yellow green tree looks like it's a hand colored part of a silver gelatin print photo, just wonderful

  13. Actually I am on a 'Facebook-diet' :-), but you lured me (threads pulled me...) to your site, which I love (and 'liked') immensely.

  14. Hari OM
    LOVE the new banner pic...

    Next thing I spotted even before reading the post was the scarf piccy... and went there first. THEY ARE G O R G E O U S Joanne!!!

    I boycott all that twittery, face-ticking stuff - but what I AM going to do is include a link and 'shout out' from my blog page. &*> YAM xx

  15. I don't have Facebook but I can click to view Etsy!
    Jane x

  16. You have been liked, now I'm going to look for your Etsy shop.

  17. Sorry I'm not on Facebook but I did drop in to your Etsy shop.....I really like the purple scarf and will keep an eye out for one in a swampy green colour (my personal favourite).

  18. I use your towels every day - they are wonderful.

  19. Wow. I don't know which seems bigger to me - committing to space for a loom or starting up this whole new venture. By now my like may have been coals to Newcastle, but I hope I was able to help. I'm an Etsy newbie but if your site is any indication of its quality, I'm sold!

  20. I can't imagine weaving cloth for making clothing. I'm off to like and see what is on offer.

  21. Joanne, just been for a look in your etsy shop. Your scarves are beautiful - have put you a a like and a 'share' on up on my face book page

  22. I was traveling yesterday so didn't get a chance to read blogs until today. Glad you got the 20 likes alread on FB; I made it 38 :)

    Good luck with your eTSY shop! I think its wonderful you have come back to doing something you enjoyed; I hope it is a successful adventure!


  23. Did visit the eTSY shop; the scarves truly are beautiful! Forgot to also say; wow with the snow! Too early in the year I think!


  24. You have the energy and drive of someone half your age. Well done!

  25. Congratulations and good luck! I don't have a Facebook account, sorry.

  26. Liked, invited some and you so know I am visiting that shop. Hooray for homemade.

  27. I checked out your etsy shop. The etsy thing has been a great thing for all the handmade makers out there. Great work.

  28. I don't have a facebook page so I couldn't "like" your weaving page. Will try to bring up your etsy page. -- barbara

  29. You better believe I "liked" your FB page! This is just super, this endeavor. I'm excited.
