
Friday, August 29, 2014

Up the hill and back again

I set out to take these pictures a week ago, and did take them last Friday.
But I've spent the week with the other pictures I took that day, too.
At last, the Garden Club ladies refurbished bridge and all their flower boxes.
Up the hill, east, and down the hill west.
This first box has flowers through and through.
Here's the side,

Here's the front.
And off we go.

A look over at the Towpath Trail, and the loads of stone where the path is undercut.

Back to flowers, the last box on this side of the bridge.

Still going west, at the top of the hill,
The guardrail between the sidewalk and the river gorge.
Last year the Garden Club ladies stashed their water jugs on the back side of the rail.
I didn't go rummaging back there. Spiders.

There is an apartment down there, under the old bank building, young couple, I think.
They certainly have outdone themselves with privacy foliage.

Ok, on the downhill side, going east.

Another through and through.

Its front.

Another through and through.

It's front.
I don't care much for either Dusty Pete or Coleus, 
but I like the tall grass.

Through and through.

The front.

Through the bridge.

The very green front. A minute pinkish bloom in there.

Love the red flower, and this long white flower.
If someone tells me their names,
they will go right on my list for the former lettuce tower, next summer.

Have a good and safe holiday weekend.
If you live in Canada, or Britain, or France, or Germany,
go ahead, take Monday off, too.
I'll send you a note to turn in Tuesday.


  1. It all looks great. Have a great weekend.

  2. I liked number 3 the best.

  3. You know, I had some trouble with all of these, mainly because the flowers are so crowded! When I had my finger amputated, my nieces all got together and bought me this pot of lovely green foliage. The problem was that there was too much foliage in one little pot. So, as soon as I was okayed by my surgeon to do so, I got in there and split it all up into three pots. Now, they have plenty of room to stretch their long legs (roots) and boy are they showing off...

  4. Hard to decide which box I liked best. So many good candidates. I liked the guard rail too. And the apartment looks like it could be quite charming.

  5. great flower arrangements the town benefits from this club.

  6. They all look so fabulous, hooray for the ladies who do this!
    That red flower is one of the fuschias, my daughter has the same hanging on her front porch. The white?
    I have no idea, but I love it so would be grateful if anyone else can name it.
    I like coleus and grew quite a bit of it in the shady front garden I had once and your Dusty Pete is what we know as Dusty Miller I think and I'm planning on some of that in between my kangaroo paws.

  7. These planter boxes are stunning. I don't think I've ever seen such lovely arrangements before. Thanks for letting us see!

  8. yes, it is Dusty Miller and is very invasive. The flower boxes on the bridge are lovely and so nice to pass them on my travels. hate to see the season change and all of this disappears.

  9. I have to agree with Susie; I like #3 the best too. So pretty though all of them! A job well done by the Garden Club ladies!


  10. Yay the Garden Club Ladies. I love their work - and thank you for showing us. It is giving me ideas. Lots of them.

  11. Wonderful photos. Everything still looks fresh and green.

  12. wow, amazing such beauty can be grown in such a small space, and a good idea to have them mounted on a bridge, what type of fertilizer do they use?

  13. Box number two gets my's so generous looking!
    Jane x

  14. Hari OM
    Fuschia "Corelle"; unable to see fine detail of the leaf and flower of the white, but it could well be one of the Bacopa varieties.

    All these baskets are stunning to my eyes and it reminded me that it must be a year since we 'met'; I discovered your blog at about this time last year when you were photographing the boxes then! I am in love with your bridge so far away... YAM xx

  15. The ladies did a fantastic job on those boxes. It's Labour Day Weekend here in Canada so we're having ourselves a long weekend as well.

  16. Lovely foliage. You are a very good photographer.

  17. Lots of colour there; must take some watering

  18. The Garden Club Ladies have done the bridge proud. It all looks wonderful

  19. Lovely, we don't have that kind of landscaping here, too hot and dry, and I do love seeing all that color.

  20. Well it's all very pretty, it would cheer me up walking along there.

  21. I am just amazed by the beauty of these Joanne and by the care that has gone into maintaining them all through the Summer. You are lucky to live in a place where everyone keeps things so tidy.

  22. Those are very impressive flower boxes! Wow! Thank you sharing them.

  23. Hey we have Labour Day here too. We just add a "u"! :) What beautiful flowers and plants!!
