
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Rainy Sunday afternoon

I stood on the front porch this morning, admiring the rain, and a squabble broke out at the end of the house. I came in for my camera and on the way back, I snapped off Toby, in one of his "leans." I caught him off guard, he despises being photogenic.

Back to the porch, where two house finches sheltered from the rain. The initial squabble had been a third bird, trying for a bit of gutter out of the rain. Unsuccessfully.

Back in the house, Toby won't acknowledge me, perhaps thinking "Get a life."
He is a feral foundling, and unlike any cat I've had, even barn cats turned house cat.

It was raining just as hard out back, and far more interestingly.


Shiny with splatters.



More drops.

Only the rain is out to dry, today.

No little girls visited my new glider this summer. One thing and another.

Toby is interested in what happens in the house, and out, and he stays on his side of the raindrops.

Rainy Sunday afternoon.


  1. lovely rainy day shots...Toby is a beauty

  2. What is Toby leaning on? It looks a bit like a small concrete block. Cats seem to feel comfortable doing the most unusual things.


    1. It's a brick doorstop. In the seventies plastic tapestry "cloth" was all the rage. Women made handbags and beach bags of the stuff, covered with tapestry embroidery. Mom made a slew of these doorstops. I believe this one has a flower and vine pattern going around it. She cut pieces to fit each face of the brick, embroidered them, sewed them together around the brick, and gave them away.

  3. Rather than making hay while the sun shone, you did it while the rain fell. Toby may be a big grump but he sure is handsome. My favorite? The clothesline and caption.

  4. Toby looks thoroughly fed up with the rain. Love that photo of him, but I can guess how he's feeling. We've had a beautiful day here today so sending you an armful of sunshine to cheer you all up.

  5. Love the rain. And Toby.
    My furry despots run from the front door to the back on rainy days - to be certain that it is raining on both sides of the house.
    If it is, they blame me.

  6. Toby is certainly a contented, dry cat. We have a bright, sunny day in Hawaii. We could actually use some rain over here now.

  7. Cats are real characters. Mine sits with her back to me sometimes. I read that that means she trusts me....which is good.

  8. I love that first pic... of Toby. He is definitely a handsome devil. Cats do have *catitude* - some more than others.

  9. Again, beautiful pictures, you just capture the mood so well.

  10. Your rainy day pictures make the day look enjoyable.

  11. Lovely area, we're at the end of the greenest august I've seen here, a record rainfall in Aug.

  12. Wall to wall sunshine here today...and humidity.
    Kisses for the ex feral peril XXXXX
    Jane x

  13. Rain here this morning and pretty gloomy. Chappy did go out and when I called him, he came in for a little while. As he brushed up against me, I could feel his wet coat. He doesn't mind the rain and was soon back outside. Beautiful pictures in this posting. Thanks.

  14. We had a day of extended light rain with brief periods of a little more. It was nice. Been awhile since we had rain.

  15. I love these shots, and most of all the circles made by the raindrops. You have a good eye for interesting things.

  16. Well, you completely captured the mood of the day there--and the mood of the cat: "Get a life," indeed.

    Love the of the droplets hitting the water.

  17. Envious for that rain; it does look refreshing!


  18. Hello Toby, you gorgeous thing.
    Love that one of the circle ripples !
    these are all great photos, I love rainy days.

  19. the shot of the rain is beautiful, we got two inches the other night and it was welcome.

  20. The rain drop photo is my fave.

  21. Hari Om
    Despite the squabble, there is something very tranquil about this series of shots today. Toby's expression through the net door is precious! YAM xx

  22. Love all your photos, especially of the cat ignoring you. Cats are so funny.

  23. cute cat! We used to have 2 feral cats that stayed outside. Both died a few years ago. We have decided not to adopt any more pets as we like to travel.

  24. I love a good rain, and your pictures practically cause me to hear the raindrops. Beautiful.

  25. Hi Jo, please send some of that wonderful rain down south. My cat is very hard to photograph too. That bird image is terrific. Thanks for the visit-good to not be forgotten, Olive

  26. I bet Toby wouldn't go out in that rain even if he had the chance of snagging one of those birds. After all, a cat enjoys a lazy, rainy Sunday just like us.

  27. I love the rain photos.. And your blog. :) The Cranky Old Man sent me and I'm so happy he did!

  28. Interesting how we see differently when looking for camera targets. Thanks for sharing these.. Your home looks like a delightful place.

  29. Great pictures! I love the little birds avoiding the rain.

  30. What fantastic patterns of your rain on the wash lines, puddles etc. You have a great eye -- barbara
