
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

This splains nothing

Light years ago, in the mid eighties, I had a computer. Radio Shack, probably 64 bit (whatever that means). It ran programs in DOS, from floppy discs. It cost as much as computers still cost, or more, for whatever that’s worth.

My DOS expertise is limited to nothing; I used a lot of shareware. Our fledgling weaving business just began, and my favorites were an accounting program called Financial something or the other, and Lotus, the latter purloined. The accounting program worked for eleven months; to continue I needed to purchase the real program. For several years our business just had two November’s. We eventually bit the bullet and purchased the program that Financial something or the other morphed to, so I wasn't a complete pirate.

Another shareware was a game. A little cartoon character went from room to room in a castle, finding objects in order to carry on, or die trying. Eventually my sister got him through to the end, I never did.

Then there was the biorhythms shareware, tracking moods and powers according to date of birth. Nancy Regan probably is the only reason we even knew biorhythms existed. Eventually the disc wore out, so that was the end of that.

Biorhythms came to mind today, first time since 1980-something.

We had the meeting with the big quasi governmental organization whose accounting is currently making me nuts. We discussed their shortcomings.  Like Rick Scott (the governor of Florida) they said nothing in a lot of words, but will get back to us with an answer, within a week.

I did have four other elected officials at the table with me, so when I worked in the “find another resource” threat they may have comprehended the depth of displeasure. Or not. This is government.

I almost didn't go to work today, spent the morning running errands and taking pictures. Shedding a blue funk, as it were. In the end I went; I had the PO Box keys with me, might as well check the mail and drop it off. And there on my desk, the road department payroll.  I could not believe I am so disengaged with this job right now that for the first time in ten years I would miss a road department payroll.

On the way home I remembered biorhythms, and wondered if mine were scraping the bottom. I found a free program and plugged mine in. To paraphrase Ricky to Lucy, this doesn't splain anything.

See? On top of the world.  OK, like the little guy in the castle, I can do it.


  1. I think I can, I think I can... and I know you can.

  2. I remember biorhythms and I found it was most often true, but then again it probably was true because I knew what the biorhythm was in advance and what you think is what you get. I also remember a little DOS. ha very vaguely

  3. I never had any program about biorhythms but I always blame bad days on all my biorhythms being down at the same time.

  4. Ooooh...pretty colours. That's about all those charts mean to me lol.

  5. I have no idea what biorhythms are or how they work, but they sound like a brilliant way to explain a bad day.

  6. I echo Delores' comment, Joanne. LOL!

  7. Hari OM
    Okay. Anytime between midnight and 7am you're good go..? Or life is a rainbow??? YAM xx

  8. reminds me of SOH CAH TOA...or Roy G. BIv.

  9. I remember being very proud of myself after learning the DOS system and properly pronouncing the word "data"

  10. I don't know about biorhythms, but you sound burned out to me. I've had a couple of those times in the past few years. If it's of any interest to you, what I did was to write it all down. Every damn bit. In a private document, buried several folders down in my least interesting computer folder. It actually helped. And when I came upon it, six months or a year later, I was surprised how much better I felt by then. In each case, I took one thing off my plate, in one case substituting a different thing that I could actually enjoy, but I didn't do anything else - no vacation, no change in daily schedule, no lottery win, no great epiphanies . Just wrote it down, and then went on with life. Time went by, and things improved. I hope it improves for you, too.

    And your notes on the old computer game reminded me of the first one we ever had (also early 80's) - all text, no video, not even drawings! An Egyptian pyramid, with skeletons and a sarcophagus. We never got all the way through before the dang machine up and died!

  11. "said nothing in a lot of words" - those are the best meetings to take a nap in.

  12. Yeah, those negative feelings can take over one's life, if we let them. Sometimes we can't change things, sometimes we can...only we can know which. How we let it affect us, that's somewhat more under our control.
    Good luck,

  13. I always tended to blame the weather if things weren't going well, even if it was sunny and gorgeous out. I hope you get out of your funk soon; its hard to be in one when they do come on.


  14. My children were young and I worked full time in the mid eighties no time for computers and I sat on one all day so when I got home just wanted to veg out or sleep.

  15. I remember the first computer we ever bought. it was a Commodore 64 for the kids to play games on. We had it for about 6 hours and even with reading and following the instructions, none of us could work it out. It went back to the store the same day. About 10 years later I finally bought a home computer and learned how to email and surf the net.

  16. If we have a bad day we tend to say we got out of bed on the wrong side.

  17. I've been in a bit of a funk myself. Comes and goes, doesn't it? Kinda like Nancy Reagan. :-)

