
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Clicking through the news

Yesterday I took the camera, in the event something interesting appeared. There is a lot of road construction going on around us, so I took the best detour possible through it, and approached the local Islamic Community Center from a different direction. There is a whole stoop devoted to flowers, and planters of pots at wacky angles. I liked it.

Then I went to the post office because I had the keys and stopped to photograph one of the best looking gardens around town. I believe it belongs to one of the town's ex-mayors, although it's not hard to be an ex-mayor in a town of 695 people, not all of them adults.

As you know, I went on to work and found the payroll I could have overlooked, so all's well that ends well. I clicked on through the AP news this afternoon, to get to my photo editing program.  A passenger jet downed over the Ukraine. It took a long time just to get my watermark on these pictures, so here are the rest of the pictures I took yesterday, on a very disused road in the township.


  1. I loved this detour with you. Thank you.

  2. Nice detour.

    I'm surprised there is an Islamic Center there with only 695 people in the town. I like their quirky flower arrangement too.

    I'm wondering what photo editing program you are using. I lost my free one when my hard drive died and I don't want to download it again since I think it came with viruses. It kind of sounds like you are using an online one where you upload your pics (kind of like the old picnik which I don't think exists anymore). If it is like this one, I'd be curious to know who owns the pics once you upload them.

    1. The Islamic Center is in the fairly large city to the south, my first errand stop. Peninsula is a village of 695.

      I use PicMonkey. The pictures stay on my computer. Pretty nifty. picmonkey,com.

  3. The pots at wacky angles are quite attractive, so is the brickroad.

  4. It's a pretty place and brick roads last for ever, so many flowers.

  5. The potted plants look very cool.

  6. Love the cobblestone road..reminds me of the UK.
    Jane x

  7. It wouldn't be summer without day lilies.

  8. thank you for showing beauty of flowers on a sad day where so many innocent lives were lost :(


  9. Detours often bring pretty surprises. I like that flower filled stoop very much, and the wacky angled pots even more. The brick road too, is lovely.

  10. What a lovely little place you live in.

  11. Tragic news about that downed Malaysia jet.
    Nice colorful photos, Joanne.

  12. Hari OM
    Always in favour of 'the scenic route'...dreadful business with the jet. Stark contrast. YAM xx

  13. love the brick road at the end and the flower filled stoop

  14. nice pics. the city did a new traffic circle and used pavers which look great but make for a bumpy ride.

  15. Love the garden pictures. I try very hard not to watch the news, I'm too old for more bad news.

  16. You are made of sterner stuff than I am, with your photo editing and watermarks. I've only had to adjust to a different computer and have been tearing my hair out over useless Windows 8 features and lost bookmarks! Good on ya. Love the brick road.

  17. I love the brick road. Now I want one, but I would paint it yellow .......
