
Friday, June 20, 2014

Want to race

I had to go to the library recently. From the corner of my eye I saw an old man get out of his truck and shift all his joints into position, just as I was doing on getting out of my car. Neither of us crossed the drive with speed or grace, I know, and as we each settled at the end of the walk for the remaining journey to the front door he looked at me and said “Want to race?”

It was so incongruous I began to laugh in place, which threw me slightly off balance and I staggered a little toward my sidewalk mate. He braced, staggered, reached for my shoulder. I grasped his arm.  We shifted, hanging onto bits of each other until equilibrium was achieved.

A man approaching us prepared to give us a wide berth, assuming, I suppose, he was witnessing a very elderly public display of affection. “Young man, untangle us!” my fellow supporter demanded. Order was restored, and we didn't even need to resume the race, as the grandchildren I was there to pick up emerged from the library doors.

Lesson: take the damn cane, even for a short trip.


  1. I think you should go on a date.

  2. Whoa - I was about to go off on another tangent, but susie's comment strikes me as an excellent suggestion :)

    This is such good writing, my friend! I know that adjustment after driving/sitting/sleeping all too well.

  3. Ready, steady, go...
    Love it.
    And need to take my own cane much more often.

  4. The odd time I decide to 'wing' it without the cane and I'm always sorry.

  5. At least you can laugh about it!

  6. That's a lovely and funny story, Joanne. 'Want to race?'

  7. What a great post. Was he good looking? You might see him again.


  8. The incident might be the start of a great friendship

  9. Good lord, it's deja vue all over again, as casey stengle said. It's how I feel every time i take the truck anywhere over an hour.
    Very funny story.

  10. You honestly made me laugh out loud.
    I think you're on to a whole new angle of the dating game!

  11. Now there is a way to meet a man:)) -- barbara

  12. I was laughing out loud when I read this; too cute!!!


  13. This made me chuckle. I can just picture it all happening. I'm glad you managed to straighten up again!

  14. You really do know how to tell a tale and make us laugh. You are better than a tonic. x

  15. Great little story...and I'm glad no one fell!

  16. I have my mother's cane ready for when I should need it. It's missing its rubber tip though, I should probably remedy that soon so as to be properly ready.
    I like the mental image of you and a stranger "dancing" in front of the library and I'm glad you didn't both fall.

  17. What a wonderful moment though I bet the grandchildren didn't think so !

  18. Dear Joanne,
    but I think it was worthwhile - a little unexpected laughter carries a long way.

  19. Hari OM
    How come there is decent bloke around when I stagger stickless??? Heheheh, nice anecdote to brighten my journey North Joanne. YAM xx

  20. things like this keep me from totally giving up on the human race. a little laughter with a stranger.

  21. It must have been so cute. I think that he might run into you again.
