
Saturday, November 30, 2013

The week in slate

The slate crew worked all last weekend; they worked on Monday, they worked on Tuesday, as the snow began falling.

A friend whose office is in the building came out Tuesday night. She took a picture of the forlorn hard hat to send to me. So sad, covered in snow.

But two of our intrepid young men were forlorn in the parking lot. A dead battery, and no jumper cables. He gave them to his grandpa last night because he was worried about grandpa's truck.

My friend's best fella was on the way to pick her up. He's a road guy in the next township. We know they're always prepared.

My friend baked brownies for the boys and brought them on Wednesday. But there was no shingling on Wednesday, and it wasn't for a dead battery.

So, her best fella road guy got even more brownies. But I'll bet the young men on the roof will find a plate of brownies in the hard hat spot one of these days.


  1. Gotta look after those 'hard hat' boys.

  2. A couple of things about this post just restored some of my love for regular, ordinary people. (and that's hard to do for somebody who works in retail, during the holiday season, the morning after Black Friday.)

  3. They earn tough and dangerous job!

  4. What a good job your friend's best fella was around to help the slate boys. They're troopers all of them. Forget Black Friday - this is what the 'Christmas Spirit' is all about.

  5. Heartwarming post, Joanne. We've had snow, too. I wouldn't want to be on a slate roof with the fine slippery snow we had - it made the roads very slick.

  6. What a wonderful gesture. Appreciation for a difficult job done well. And brownies are always welcome.

  7. Brownies will be more than welcome when doing work like that!

  8. Brownies are always good, gee it looks cold where you are.

  9. I think these boys deserve their brownies.

  10. Brownies...they'll fix just about anything.

  11. That's so very kind of your friend to bake those brownies for the guys. They would have been thrilled.

  12. What lovely pictures - it's interesting how snow can look lovely, but in some pictures it just looks cold!

  13. I just love brownies. May I have one? Lol.

  14. I would hate to have to work up that high in the snow. I hope those guys are well paid.
