
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Bird Bed and Breakfast

We rearranged the lives of our flying pigs this morning

Now there are three feeders in the oak tree

and the two wren houses.

Left to right, the brown wren cabin,

the squirrel foiling feeder, 

a lovely buffet of nuts and fruits,

the white cabin wren house,

and the finch log o'niger seed.

The feeders are hanging from long hooks (yea, Hamilton!)

and low enough for Emily and Laura to reach down to fill.

A week's careful consideration and I decided

better in the oak tree, and all that flung seed sprouting 

in the lawn than in our lovely flower beds!

A finch, wishing I would leave.

Never mind her, fellows, let's eat.

A tufted titmouse.

Another finch.

Another titmouse.

The pictures are not first rate, but my pleasure in seeing these little fellows around is.

Next time I may have the tripod!

I am not over my recent computer debacle snit 

But it is the weekend.

And I may take off next week, after I file the tax budget with the county.


  1. Joanne, I love watching the birds too. Your pictures are lovely and it is the weekend. Really hope the computer nightmare resolves soon. A few days off would do you the world of good - take yourself somewhere nice and let them get on with it.

  2. You definitely don't want them flinging seed in the flower beds. The lawn will be enough trouble.

    1. Lawn is a term of courtesy. As my brother recently pointed out, there is no grass, just a lot of green weeds. Perhaps I'm doing it a favor.

  3. Glorious!!!!! I'm sorry I haven't got up there! Life's been intruding!!!! I'll call!!!

  4. Love it. And no, bird seed in the garden is no fun. None at all. The discarded seeds grow so much better than anything I plant and nurture. Sigh.
    Have a great weekend.

  5. Glad you are finding pleasure in the natural world - living things are more important in the long run. Still, though, I hope your computer fiasco can be modified so it's not as bad as you have been fearing. .

  6. Love the photos. This post is poetry!

  7. I think your pictures are pretty good, I know what you mean about the sprouting seed we have it popping up everywhere.
    Merle......... ........... ..........

  8. It makes my day when I see lots of birds around. I've only been putting out pans of water but that attracts a lot of them. The robins love to splash around and take a bath.

  9. Love those birds! Glad you are getting that computer back in/on line.

  10. I'd take next week week if you can indeed. How neat to see the birds eating from the feeders. When we had bird feeders in Santa Fe, I noticed that there was always a lot of activity around the feeders right before a big snowstorm. I learned to predict the weather based on their feeding patterns.


  11. They're lovely and I like seeing the birds on them. I've thought about feeders here, but don't seem to need any, the trees are already full of birds snacking on whatever is in them.

  12. Such lovely birds. Wish I had them in my backyard.

  13. I love my little teacup feeder that only gets sunflower seeds. It hangs under the eaves in front of the window I face when I work. cardinals, chickadees, titmice, the occasional wren...and a pesky squirrel that scatters the seed when he leaps onto the teacup.

  14. That opening photo is fabulous and the rest are very nice to look at and see the birds.

  15. Ah...I miss our bird feeders. We used to have several and then developed a mouse problem, so out they went. I have never seen titmice before.

  16. I know what you mean about the flung seed sprouting. The area under our feeder is full of seeds and pieces of seed. Not that I believe in reincarnation but based on my messy eating habits I might have been a bird once.

  17. Joanne, I absolutely love your photos.

  18. Ah yes, sprouting seeds in the garden/lawn - that'ss one reason we stopped putting up a birdfeeder - that, and the bird poo. And the wading through drifts of snow for three months of the year. My anxiety level is increasing just thinking about it. But your pictures of the birds are so nice ... I just love finches.

    1. Yesterday I watched two fat chipmunks and a squirrel performing custodial duties, fat little cheeks hauling off the seeds on the ground. Now, about the bird poo...?

    2. Oh, good for them!!

      And I suppose the bird poo is no worse in the garden than all over our windows. The aim they have is amazing.

  19. Love the new header photo, is that lake near your home?

    1. It's the retaining pond at the apple farm, for the fire department in case of fire. It's half an hour northeast of us. Saturday was just the perfect day; blue skies, clouds reflected in the water, and, I had my camera. The picture would have been a trifle tinnier on my phone.

  20. that reminds me that we should ready our bird feeder. It is not quite time, but I am eager to see some song birds out here.

  21. Nice that you resolved your computer problem -- you deserve a break now. -- barbara
