
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Another technical term

I was not interested in going to work this morning, but I did. Not early.

There sat that shiny new computer, in all its Windows 7 glory.

I wandered over to the road department.  The men on mowers were gone.

I filled my water and went back to the computer.  Pushed the button. It fired up, just like that.

I tried email.  A prompt to register Microsoft programs.  But it crashed in a second, for want of an internet connection.  Oh, well, I would add that to my list for the technicians.

I tried to open a document. The same prompt, the same result.

I called tech support.  I spent the next five hours watching techs remotely shove around my cursor. Once I said, “Ed, I’m putting this phone on the desk to go to the washroom.”

“Sure, no problem.”

Ed gave up and turned it over to Gregorio.  Gregorio resolved the inability to register my programs on line. I’d have to do it by phone, then text him to start on the other problems.  Three hours!

I got that done in a New York minute and texted him, “I’m going to lunch.” He replied “Me, too, back in 30.” I replied I’d be back in an hour and went home for a leisurely apple with peanut butter and no stress.

One o’clock, back at it. I explained the missing folders that George said were on the golden transfer disc. Gregorio was not hopeful.  In fact, he bluntly said “No, they were on your old computer, which was wiped yesterday.”

But, he humored me.  I  put the disc in the drive and he sent those files whirring up and down the screen. I recognized many of them.  My old friends in the documents folder. My old friends in the accounting program.  But the lovely names I’d given the folders in my old email program did not go by.

Gregorio pressed me.  Did you save them as instructed.  Of course they were saved.  To be absolutely sure, I gave the instruction sheet to Darius.

What name did he put in the first line?

My name.

Long silence.  The penny crashed. The transfer program was not looking for me, it was looking for the auditor of state file.  And now retrievable me is irretrievable; the old computer wiped clean before I tested the new one.

“Well, “ I said to Gregorio, “shit happens.”

“Yes,” he replied, “Sheet happens. Eef you need any more help, you call me.”

Up is the only direction left.  I’ll be back, after several long days of construction, as there is nothing to reconstruct.


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry for laughing Jo, but I know your pain All. Too Well. Sigh... I'm sorry about your troubles. I sincerely hope some miracle happens to fix everything. Or maybe you'll get some dynamite with Gregorio's name on it.

  2. I think Darius'. Or, as Tom said yesterday, "Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair"
    Oh, well. It happens.

  3. Hari Om least my impending absence will be about travelling inter-continental... tsk. We have become so techno bound have we not... Hope it goes smoothly, that construction. At least it puts you back in charge... so to speak. YAM xx

  4. Ooooooh....that sucks.

  5. Many condolences. When sheet happens it always seems like I'm in front of the fan. We can hope you will be able to clean up some of it as you repair the damage.

  6. Head-banging seems only too appropriate. Good luck. Technology is great when it works but a holy mess when it doesn't. Especially at work!!

  7. Oh dear, I hope it doesn't take too long to restore all your missing persons. One of those times when an external back up drive would have been handy. Good luck.

  8. (Big sigh)........ (Another Big sigh)..... you already know all the words that I'd be saying... everything from condolences to obscenities..... guess you just gotta take a deep breath and move on. Bummer!

  9. Oh, Joanne -- I so feel for you... SPF -- as another wise blogger says!

  10. Oh damn. and this shit was supposed to make out lives easier.

  11. That is just so avoidable.....what a mess!

  12. Yeah, shit happens, all right! Lol.

  13. Oh No. No, no, no. Joanne, I'm so sorry. I have decided I'm going to hang on to my XP system and just keep on with the best antivirus programme I can afford.

  14. Dear Joanne, I just read your last two postings on the computer and saving and retrieving files. Oh, DRAT IT! So much to think about when trying to be sure that nothing is lost. I so hope this doesn't affect your position in the State of Ohio financial office. Peace.

  15. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I hope you get it mack on track!

  16. Never mind such is life.
    Merle......... ...........

  17. What a nightmare.......... I am sorry to hear about this. I hope that you can locate a computer genius who can in fact restore them, it's amazing what can be done.

  18. What a nightmare.......... I am sorry to hear about this. I hope that you can locate a computer genius who can in fact restore them, it's amazing what can be done.

  19. I know those techs that shove cursors around -- they impress me with their technical knowledge. But they do go fast and sometimes my brain does not move at their speed. Then the fun (?) begins. -- barbara

  20. Very sorry for you. These things cannot be avoided...

  21. Ah, computers. Makes you wonder if plain old typewriters were really all that bad. Funny how you had to put the phone down to go to the washroom. Love that : )
