
Sunday, September 29, 2013

They do clean up well

Emily, heading out.  She loves that dress; "it looks like ocean and coral."

Notice that although we turned every inch of that little garden and removed more than four hundred colchium bulbs, we missed two.

Hamilton, get down here for a picture with your sister.
"Wait, I need my tie and jacket."
Now, Emily is leaving!

He did jump into his sneakers.  
Emily "did" his hair.

Laura, I need a picture of you with your brother.
She's so proud.
She takes her stocking feet outside.

Smile with your teeth!

Hamilton says smiling with his teeth makes his eyes look squinty. So that's why he dismissed every one of the toothy senior pictures.

What's in it for us?


  1. Hari OM
    OOOHHH Joanne - I can feel the pride coming of these pix - gorgeous and handsome ... and then cute! Bless you. YAM xx

  2. What gorgeous kids, Joanne! What pride and joys they are!

  3. BEAUTIFUL! Only thing missing is pictures with Grandma :-)

  4. Beautiful. Yes, where is Grandma ;-)

  5. Look how beautiful they are...even the furry kids.

  6. How beautiful. Did your heart swell with pride as you took these photos?

  7. Three happy people...a good reward for all you are doing, I'd say.

  8. A beautiful young lady and a handsome gentleman..Laura will be right behind. Pets have to dance by themselves. And I also add, WHERE is Grandma??

  9. great pictures - looks like you have a built-in peanut gallery of four-legged viewers.

  10. Lovely grandchildren, all of them. Joanne you must be so proud of them. Emily looks so pretty in her dress - I love the colours ocean and coral.

  11. They are a good looking bunch your family.
    Merle...... ........... ...........

  12. Excellent! That's a photo op made for the book. Even the kitty put on his tux. The dog might needs to have Emily work on the hair, though.

  13. I like your new blog header picture. Handsome grandson, beautiful granddaughters. That is a very pretty dress! I think it is always good to have an opportunity to get all spiffy up like they did; hope they had a good time!


  14. I am struck by the differences in these pictures compared to those you showed us a year ago. They have all grown and changed and matured - and they look somehow happier, truly happy. You must be bustin' with pride, Joanne.

    1. The older two are more confident, now it is their lives they're getting on with. The little one is still growing up.

  15. Beautiful smiles all around. Laura looks very pretty.

    There you are ... in the reflection of the glass door. We need a photo of you with your lovely grandchildren !

  16. My mouth dropped open when your header picture loaded. It's so beautiful, just took my breath away! May I save that to make a bookmark?
    Emily looks so beautiful, that dress is perfect for her. Hamilton and Laura look nice too. You have such handsome grandchildren.

    1. Of course you can have it. When you save it you will find there is an autumn tree on both sides of the picture. I don't know how to make it a little smaller for both to fit. The picture was taken at a country crossroad hamlet, Everett.

    2. Such cute pictures and commentary! Keep them coming.

    3. Thank you, from the bottom of my tree happy heart.

  17. Oh they're so beautiful!!! What gorgeous kids, really and truly! You must be incredibly proud! And love the new header. So pretty!

  18. You are blessed, it shows in everything you do. What a wonderful family you have made for yourselves.

  19. Great photos of lovely family. Nice that they love each other so much.

  20. You have every right to be proud. You have saved their lives.

  21. What handsome and beautiful gr-children. They look happy. They have been saved and blessed, something they may or may not realize at this time, but they will at some time.
