
Thursday, July 11, 2013

How much did it rain, you ask

Today social media is just abuzz (a-twitter?) with yesterday's denouement of the two odd week, outdoor play.  With very few credits, I have picked off several pictures to re-post.

A friend of a friend of a friend posted this.  It's watermarked; probably from a whole collection of good stuff.

With this picture the valley scenic railroad cancelled today's schedule and hopes to have the tracks repaired for tomorrow. We are sorry to inform you that we have to cancel train service for tomorrow - July 11th, 2013 due to flooding.We are hopeful that services will resume on Friday, July 12th.

Greenberry farm, a working farm in the park.  A shame, a day's lost revenue and a lot of repair work on hand.

Downtown Akron, the amphitheater at Lock Three, and captioned Dock Three.  Lock Three was a lock on the Erie Canal and it is part of the Towpath Trail system that now runs almost contiguously from Cuyahoga into Tuscaroras Coounty, more than one hundred miles. 

Water continues to run downhill everywhere it can.  On the way to the library this morning I asked Hamilton and Laura if they wanted a good look at the river.  Of course they did.

My puny picture does the monster little justice.  Most days it is a reasonable river, moving along smoothly, its high rock walls visible.

Hamilton had seen enough; Laura was mesmerized by its roar. The Peninsula Garden Club maintains the flower boxes on the bridge.  There is a box about every other segment.  Groups of women take it in weekly turns, and they're often seen with their gallon jugs of water, working their way along the sidewalks.  The ironwork is very '30's, and was specially cast for the bridge.  When the bridge needed replaced fifty years ago, ODOT put forth its generic bridge replacement plan, and the good members of the Garden Club stirred up such an outpouring they got themselves a bridge that holds flower boxes for their year round decorations, and flag standards.  Every section with no flower box flies an American Flag. Today included.

And here is my 10:49 pm text from Emily, verbatim:  Were done for the day.  It rained for an hour while we were setting up and it was BAD rain.  Ur probably asleep and i hope i didnt wake you.  All rugs in booth.  An hour in the morning.  Waiting for dinner.  It was really fun.  Smiley face icon.

Is she excited, or what.  I know she's on a high stool, in the hotel bar, waiting for dinner.  At eleven at night! It can't get any better.


  1. It has rained for thirty days in a row here. My sweet neighbor Fancy who lives in the valley below the hill our yellow house is on has a stream of water running through her garage. She needs gutters and a French drain. Cost of that will be a lot of money. Our River Walk by the Savannah River in Augusta, Ga. is flooded. No rain today so far but afternoon storms are common. We normally take the grandkids to the zoo but could not this year. I hope you guys dry out too.

  2. There's a stop here in Stark County, too. As the daughter/granddaughter of railroaders, I have a love of trains. One of my earliest memories is riding the train from Elyria to Willard with my grandma when my sister was born for some spoiling by the uncs while mom got a break from my antics and organized with Debbie. :) Yeah, I was a noisy brat then, too.

    Since my visit last summer, I've thought about hopping the train to come up for lunch with you some time!!! What fun!!!

  3. Good that you can joke about it....

  4. Love the two first photos! The guy in the wet suit says it all.

  5. I'd say you've had a wee bit of rain...just a wee.

  6. Wow! ... it really is raining cats and dogs there hey ...

  7. My friend makes many do you want?
    Jane x

  8. I hope you do get better weather soon. They are having the same downpours in Southern Ontario - here we seem to be just North enough to have escaped most of it.

  9. Oh my, oh my. I hope everyone is safe. When we have rains like that, so many families get displaced and it takes years and lots of money to get back to normal.

    We expected fo get some of the rain you have been experiencing and everyday the warnings have been ominous. I have put off plans for each day, but we have yet to get a drop of rain ; however, the humidity has been high. I am not complaining, our basements are all dry.

  10. That was good organizing work those ladies did on the bridge replacement plan. Good for them. Hopefully the flood we had about 2 months ago is it for the year and then some.

  11. You sure have had some rain.

  12. That's a lot of water. Love the flower baskets & the ladies who campained for then and tend them.

  13. We had rain all day today intermittently, but nothing like that. Sheesh! That's awful.

  14. Please send your rain to the prairie. We are in a drought! What great photos too...

  15. Love the photos. The first one made me smile. We haven't been getting much rain in Montreal and are due for a heat wave next week with temperatures expected to reach 38 celsius. I would prefer some rain.

  16. Yikes so many are getting so much rain, this is the summer of rain, hardly have seen any sun here in two weeks.

  17. Doesn't look like the recession is over yet. All those houses are still under water. ;-)

  18. Bit wet over there is it?? Hmmm?

  19. My goodness - what a lot of rain. Try and keep dry - and keep safe.

  20. I love rain, don't you? And sometimes I wish it would rain the whole day. I'm really thankful that our place never gets flooded.
