
Monday, July 15, 2013

Alberta rocks

You recall Alberta's garden, in all its glory last week when I dropped Emily off to work the Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts with Linda.

There was a bag of kale for us last week, but I didn't see Alberta. Today Laura and I went to collect Emily back from her adventure.  Alberta heard us come in, and when we left she was out there, with a bag of produce to take home.

Oh, and how did we like the kale from last week.  Of course we loved it.  Well, she didn't know, but since we did, she would fill another bag with kale.

I told her the world was in awe of a ninety-six year old's garden, and could I please take her picture.  She reached up and smoothed her hair.  I want to be just like Alberta when I grow up.


  1. Oh my gosh! She's 96? That's fabulous! She looks 20 years younger. I hope I can be as productive if I even get to her age.

  2. 96! What is in the water out there?

  3. Whoa! 96!? I have a new role model. I would like to eat more kale but first I have to convince my husband that he does like it.

    1. Eat it anyway; smack your lips and rub your belly. Sadly, everyone here likes to loves kale so the old "all the more for the rest of us" doesn't work.

  4. This will make my mother jealous! She can sit in her garden...but can no longer work it.

  5. Amazing! Maybe she'll let us in on her secrets... even if it is eating kale...

  6. I wouldn't mind having her energy but I don't want to grow up.

  7. 96 years old! My gosh, she has great genes and a wonderful garden. Gardening always give people something to look forward, and maybe that is her blessing. Her hair also looks great.

  8. Aw, she is a dear. What a beautiful garden she has. I sure hope I look half as good as she does at age 96 ;-) Really she looks much younger.

  9. There must be some mistake - 76, maybe - even 86 - but 96? That is truly amazing! She looks wonderful and sounds like a kind person, too.

    Never had kale - I don't think it's in the stores around here. It sure is leafy :)

  10. She is doing very well, I am surprised at her age, she looks much younger.
    Kale I have been hearing a lot about it lately, never tried it but will have to give it a go.

  11. How wonderful she is! I am in complete awe. My mother is 97 but she is frail and has dementia.

  12. I think there is a message here - grow & eat your own Kale for eternal youth !

  13. Alberta is awesome!
    I know that kale is a member of the cabbage family, but how do you cook it? What is it served with? Do you treat it just as cabbage?

  14. Righty-o. I've just searched kale recipes and it appears I can use kale as a substitute for young or baby spinach. Now I just have to find some kale....
    I'd still like to know how you cook yours and what else to serve it with.

    1. Alberta (and Linda) saute theirs in oil with garlic. Or, to quote Alberta, "Last night I used some onions, instead, and this afternoon I'm down to some mushrooms until I go to the store."

      At my house the cookerer (Janice), chops it smaller, puts it in the microwave until tender, serves it as the vegetable. Some of us dress it with vinegar and some with butter.

      Hope that helps.

    2. Thank you. If I can find some in the greengrocers I'll try it.

  15. mmmm i really want some fresh kale, now---wow alberta is gorgeous!!!

  16. Alberta does indeed rock! And she has quite a green thumb! Lucky you, getting fresh kale. Mmmmmmmm...kale

  17. Alberta is an amazing woman, and thank you so much for this post, Joanne, it brings happy tears to my eyes.

  18. Can't believe she's 96. She looks as amazing as her lovely garden
