
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Ducks, geese, birds and boots

We worked hard at the show; it was good to sit on the porch at night and watch the pond activity.

The ducks

Only one little one, and I can't guess why no more.

The Canada Geese. A pair with goslings came by.

Linda knew the name of this bird.  I don't remember.

A robin.

The boots.  The only picture I took at the show.  Aren't they grand.


  1. They ARE grand boots!
    Your mystery bird looks like a kingbird. Let me me know if I'm mistaken!

    1. That's what Linda said. I couldn't remember. Damn short term stuff, what's it called?

    2. It starts with M ... I think ... darn it.

  2. The bird on the fence pic is darling.

  3. Thanks for stopping by The Medicare Mom..As bad as their painting is, mine is MUCH worse. Love the birds...all birds have flown the coop at our house...little boy with a BB gun. Jody

  4. I love to see the little ducklings in the spring!

  5. Lovin the bootees.

  6. I think you have an Eastern Kingbird on the fence. I love those boots... do they have frog eyes on them? Just got caught up with the Scotch Eggs... I, too, read John... I think I'm going to have to go to the UK just to have them.... (also that Irish "meat" you mentioned that I have a feeling is pretty much some kind of intestinal stuff... can't remember the name). Poor baby ducks and goslings... they're vulnerable to everything from turtles under water to birds in the sky.

    1. We were thinking the turtles took them down. We could see those marble heads as big as aggies coming across the water, but a picture of a marble sticking up out of the water is sorta dumb.

  7. It's sad that so many baby ducks and geese are just food for other animals.

  8. Those boots are GREAT. I would like a pair myself.
    And the birds were enchanting - thank you.

  9. Those little loops on the boots look really useful, I haven't seen any like that before. Love, life, and death on the pond, and yet it all looks so peaceful.

  10. Great pictures and the boots are absolutely fab...

  11. What a cute image of that little duck following the older ducks. Made me smile. Good job with the photos.

  12. saw another picture on another blog of kidlets in boots very much like these.

  13. Dear Joanne, the boots are a delight. I wonder what the little girl thinks of them. How she feels in them. What she imagines as she wears them. Children's minds fascinate me. Peace.

  14. :-) Those are some pretty nice boots.


  15. After winter in the Midwest, seeing ducks and geese with their offspring is delightful.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Are the Canada geese there year-round?

    2. And around and around and around. They never go away. In the winter our local golf course is shoulder to shoulder with geese and deer.

  17. Your Robins are so much bigger than ours. I saw some in Central Park.

  18. When I was little, rubber boots were basic, boring black. I hated them! I might have been a bit more interested if there had been ANY OTHER COLOUR! :)

  19. Thanks for the posting Joanne...It was a hoot for two old ladies to do a show...We aren't much good at anything but Joanne can still sell a rug and that was the goal.."Crawling up the stairs to the motel room" was our biggest challenge..A good weekend with a good friend..many hours of just talking..we do that well.She gave me a print awhile back that shows two women,beyond their prime!! With the inscription," We'' be friends till we're old and senile-then we'll be new friends!"
