
Monday, May 20, 2013

About Scotch Eggs

A long weekend at the Broad Ripple Art Fair in Indianapolis.  So long I came close to falling asleep in my supper after we tore down Sunday night. Later Linda yelled in from the porch several times to be sure I didn't drown in the shower. 

It was a good show, even better for being over for another year, and for my more than cursory examination of the menu of the brew pub we went to a second year for Friday lunch. 

It was hot and humid, we were sweaty, dirty and tired.  I guess that’s a rather royal we, as my contribution was not being under foot as Linda directed and her wonderful volunteer cousin Bruce worked.

I was first at the table with clean hands, then Bruce, who quizzed the waitress about the current brews and he and I selected a port.  Linda’s pale ale came with a lemon wedge in the bottom.?

Scotch Eggs in the starters caught my eye.  “Ever tried Scotch Eggs?” I casually asked Bruce.

Turns out Bruce once “lived on them.”  Now, he’s in excess of six feet, athletic, fifty two years old.  Not the picture of a man who regularly downed those cholesterol bullets made legendary by our friend John Grey.  I know what a Scotch Egg is.  I looked them up once.

“What do you mean ‘lived on them’?” 

When his bicycle buddies and he stopped for a cold one on the way home, he’d have the brew of the day with a Scotch Egg chaser.

“Why did you quit them?”

Tucking into a Scotch Egg pizza one night, it came to him he actually led a healthy life, except the Scotch Eggs. I was laughing too hard to see through tears.  Scotch Egg pizza………..a pizza entirely covered by circles of the little darlin’s.  And him with a wife and son at home.

I had to have an order to see the attraction. Bruce and Linda split an order, him for old time’s sake.  Scotch Eggs are good little devils; I almost neglected the picture. 

But, if I were down to my last three eggs, John, I’d make a cheesecake.


  1. Funny about scotch eggs. I was well into adulthood before I learned about scotch eggs and had a chance to taste them. Not the greatest dish perhaps but I'm always willing to try something new. I'm sure John enjoyed the cheesecake. Have a wonderful week.

  2. Hey, those Scotch Eggs look delicious! I wouldn't mind tasting a couple. Lol.

  3. John has made Scotch Eggs famous. I can't wait to try one.

  4. I had them in the UK once. It was a cold morning and they were warm and tasty.
    I enjoy pubs but I would skip the porter.

  5. Oh wow - I can't believe they make pizzas covered with scotch eggs! But then I don't even like eggs on my salad. Eggs must be eaten alone :)

  6. Oh I am smiling away here ! Lovely John & his Scotch eggs !
    I think I could eat a home made one but those in the shops look awful !
    Great name for a pub.

    I was so tired yesterday I nearly fell asleep several times but it was a good tired at the spa day !

  7. While I love John and his blog, I hate, loathe and despise Scotch Eggs. My mother made them when I was growing up, and received many, many compliments but even then I just couldn't come at them. Bleah.
    I am really glad that the Broad Ripple Art Fair was a good one.

  8. Does John realise what he's started?
    Jane x

  9. I really don't like them! They look like they should be good, but I found them completely disappointing!

  10. I've never eaten one. have heard of them but have never even seen a picture, til now. so what? it's a hard boiled egg that's been coated and fried?

  11. My niece adores them, I am afraid to try them as we have enough vices.

  12. Sounds like a very successful weekend and so glad you didn’t drown in the shower. Well you finally got to try Scotch eggs, they really are delicious.

  13. I had to Google that one. For some reason Scotch Eggs didn't make it across the plains with the pioneers like so many other foods from Northern Europe. They sound like pub food that might go with pickle roll-ups and chili cheese nachos. I'm glad you had a great time on your trip.

  14. Dear Joanne, I've never even heard of "Scotch eggs." After puzzling over your photograph I looked them up on Google and discovered how they are made. Mom never made them; nor did the nuns in the convent; nor did any friends afterwards. And since I've been a vegetarian for 32 years--I wouldn't eat the sausage. And now that I've turned vegan, the egg wouldn't do either! But I'm glad that you enjoy them . . . and cheesecake! Peace.

    1. I've had my Scotch Eggs--2 of them. I can leave the rest for others to relish. Seeing them on the menu I had to give it a go.

  15. I have heard of them but don't ever remember having them but cheesecake I've had lots of that.

  16. Okay, my ignorance is showing here. I had to google Scotch Eggs to see what everyone was talking about. They sound delicious! Gotta try them!
    So glad you survived the weekend! Here's to returning safely from the Broad Ripple Art Fair!

  17. I have not had a scotch egg for a very long time. I used to like them. I think I'll ask Alison to buy me one now and again. It would save her making me sandwiches.
