
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Handy to have--Grandchildren

Twenty five years we’ve lived here.  We were much younger when we moved in. I’m not saying we bounded up the steps from the garage to the front door, but they were much easier to navigate. Two or three weeks ago I rounded up my brother and he showed Hamilton how to build the missing hand rail.

This is how you make the saw’s teeth work effectively.

And, they put up the handrail.  Hamilton stained it a lovely dark brown while I was in Wisconsin.  It shows up in the background from time to time.

Rather like spring house cleaning, spring gardening can spring from nowhere and turn out the house, too.

I bought a lovely hanging basket and two peck baskets of pansies. 

Then I realized I have young muscles available and it past time to attack the overgrown front garden.

Emily and I put in three hours, and made small but noticeable inroads.  I taught her how to use a spade.  My dad would be proud.

Then Jan and Tom came home with a project near to Jan’s heart.  A lettuce tower.  A lettuce growing tower.

Today they got it located, put together and full of soil.  There are lettuce packets on the chest by the door; it won’t be long.

Emily and I planted the pansies.  It was three o’clock; we called it a day.  Before it rains tomorrow I expect we’ll get some more done.


  1. I can't believe how big your peonies are! There's almost nothing peeking out of the soil yet. In fact there is still snow in the sheltered areas. We are at least three weeks behind you. Folks around here are rarin' to get to planting stuff. I'm interested in learning more about your lettuce tower.

  2. Spring gardening is such a big job...even when you don't garden the yard demands attention.

  3. The lettuce tower looks like a great idea. We've got a row of lettuce up about 2 inches! Won't be long now.

  4. Looks like you're making good progress on your yard and garden work. It is handy to have healthy, young hands to help ;-) After seeing my crocuses spring up in February, I still haven't done anything in the garden. When I might have the time, there is too much rain. Tomorrow I have help so I hope the rain will ease off. At least I can get the old debris cleared out and put down some manure as well as ready the containers. My Solomon's Seal and a not very healthy clematis are the only things that are coming up whether the garden is ready or not, lol.

  5. I need grandchildren or a handy neighbour, my local one moved away, he does visit from time to time which is good, as he stays the night as he no longer lives in Sydney I get a job or two done.

  6. awww what a great day---i should round mine up and do this---everything looks so pretty, joanne

  7. I'll need some help in, oh, about a month from now when it's finally fit to garden in these parts :)

    Your grandkids are learning so many things living with you. Again I'll say, they are lucky, and hopefully someday they'll know it and let you know it too.

  8. Lovely. jenny_o is right as she so often is. Lucky, lucky grandchildren. Gardening and building are both wonderful skills to acquire.

  9. Great work all round. By the way, George is now all fired-up and wants to make a lettuce tower...

    1. I looked at the lettuce packets. One is swiss chard! Oh, yes!

  10. The hand rail looks good and sturdy!
    it's lovely to have young people to help with the yard work now, you'll have the best garden in the neighbourhood in no time at all. I love the hanging basket.

  11. Nice to have a brother and grandkids to help, love the tower planting and I see the pond photo is refreshed, lovely to see the willow's light green

  12. I am interested in the lettuce tower, new to me. Look forward to how it progresses.

    1. It seems this summer we'll be following lettuce instead of a sunflower.

  13. Your grandchildren are lucky to have you to teach them the rewards of gardening and spiffing up the property. Everyone should know how to handle a spade and how to plant for the spring. I'm looking forward to seeing the results of all those hours of work.

  14. Yes, my grandson owes me a day or two of chores in return for giving him the money to get a new board for his skateboard. it's how he gets to school. I have quite a few outdoor chores for him.

  15. I wish we were in Chicago so we could do some house and garden things with my granddaughter. Your grandchildren are truly lucky to have you teaching and encouraging them, Joanne.
