
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Awaiting Hazel and Tony

Hazel and Tony are coming to visit next week.  They’ll be here nearly a month.  Hazel has visited several times since Bill’s death, but not since she and Tony married.  Not for want of trying.  Tony had some health setbacks shortly after he and Hazel married.  He’s finally cleared to travel.

None of us get any younger, either.  I wonder if Hazel’s hair is as white as Walt’s, my brother to whom she once was married.  It may still be black.  I’m getting excited.

We are out of beds at our house; they will be staying with her youngest, Mark.  Walt lives there, too.  Jan teased him she hoped Hazel could put up with him.  Walt retorted “Can she put up with me?”  We know which way it will be.

The traditional Memorial Day picnic, featuring shish kebob and lots of company will be held early, in honor of their visit.  That was Walt’s idea, resoundingly seconded by Hazel when Jan asked if Tony would enjoy it. 
Tony’s  two requests are to see a baseball game and go bowling. Tom and Mark will handle those details. Hazel will keep Tony busy, I’m sure. Hazel loves to shop.  She holds an international driver’s license and knows how to use it.

They arrive Tuesday afternoon and Hazel has us all lined up to go to her favorite smorgasbord restaurant for supper.  In spite of our recent troubles with air traffic controllers, I doubt Hazel’s plane will be late. 


  1. I don't think it would DARE be late.

  2. What great fun you're going to have!!!

  3. We haven't heard about the ATCs over hear - what's been happening?

  4. Replies
    1. ACT's were given a day a week off (furloughed). It backed up the system starting the second day; up to six hour delays, I've heard. With a mighty pen stroke the president fixed it over the weekend; all should be back on schedule by Tuesday. Thanks to Hazel.

  5. Hope you have a lovely visit. You've got a very busy household.

  6. It's always great to see old friends, more exciting when they come from overseas, have a good time.

  7. What a wonderful family you have! I loved the story about Bill, and now there is Tony to welcome.

  8. What a wonderful time you are going to have. Enjoy.

  9. I hope you all have a wonderful reunion. Visitors are lovely, when you've known them a long time.

  10. How lovely. I hope you ALL have a truly wonderful time.

  11. hope you have a great visit with them!!

  12. I always think the anticipation of a visit is as much fun as the visit! I like the prep for a visitor. Well, maybe not campers .......

  13. That sounds like so much fun. I like how you're moving traditions up so you can all enjoy them together.

  14. May you have a marvelous time together!

  15. You're going to have such a good time together. Yae!!!
