
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Do you know Windsmoke?

Last Saturday I took one last look at my blog list before turning in early.  All day I had a splitting headache; time to give it up until morning.  At night, though, I enjoy taking a peek at blogs across the world, where it already is tomorrow.

Windsmoke posted, a disturbing Goodbye.  His haiku sometimes is sad, sometimes final; people josh him and he is right back with his riddles.  But Saturday was goodbye until we meet again, in the afterlife.

My God, Australia is big; I don’t know many of us there, and those I do live a state or two away.  And we don’t even know his name.  Windsmoke, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.  “Hello, 911, please send someone to check on Windsmoke.”

If you know him, please leave a note there or here.  Did he join a monastery, or the universe?


  1. I don't know him; I don't follow his blog. Its hard to figure out what people write and their state of mind. I know at various times when I've been going through stressful things I've left cryptic messages like this saying I'm leaving blogging or similar and then when things settle down I would come back. Maybe he's going through a rough time and will be back soon? One can only hope. Sorry I couldn't help more.


  2. While I am also Australian I only know Windsmoke through his blog. His last post has haunted me, and I really, really hope that things are much better for him than they seem.

  3. I don't know Windsmoke personally, and I've asked several Melbourne friends, but they don't know him either. I gather from his haikus that he is often depressed and lonely, but there isn't anything we can do.We can only hope that someone who does know him in real life reaches out and helps if they can. It will be a wait and see situation.

  4. It is always disturbing when bloggers you have got to know well suddenly go off-line (in any meaning of the term). We seem to get to know people so well on some levels, and know so little about them on other levels. Such is blogging.

  5. I thought the police had a way of finding the originating address of stuff posted on line. If you are concerned, couldn't you ask them to investigate?

  6. Don't know this person but hopefully someone who does will contact them; another thing I have are folks leaving a comment on my blog but not address for me to reciprocate on their blog, I'd like to know who they are somehow.

  7. I don't know of him or even his blog. I agree with Alan's comment. Over the years I've learned that people blog for so many different reasons.

  8. Dear Joanne, this truly is disturbing. I so hope that is the young man is alive someone has recognized his need and is responding. I'll put that hope out into the Universe. Peace.

  9. So disturbing. Praying for a better outcome than the one feared.

  10. I lost a blogging friend. She left cries for help and we responded. She came back briefly then left again. I miss her.

    What happened ?
