
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cups on the Bus

A while back Delores at The Feathered Nest announced a Valentine Day give away.  As I recall, the rules were comment on any blog of hers up to Valentine Day and get your name in the hat for the drawing.

I made a mental note to restrain myself from commenting.  I didn’t even know what she would be shipping away, but I do hardly need more stuff; it’s quite fine with me to see “stuff” head off to people who will be able to use it.

I slipped up back there in contest land; I must have had a thing or two to comment about.  My short term memory is as good as gone these days.  One day on my blog she announced I was a winner, keep my eye out for the prize.

And it came today, too big for our big mail box and delivered to the door by our nice USPS lady.  Jan and I peeled the layers together.  First a ginormous shopping bag, to join the pile in the car that go into the grocery store.  We really do that; bring our own bags.

Then, two cups.  And I’m quoting here, “Don’t leave these on the bus.”  Very good, Delores.  But they came preloaded.  With a beverage?  Lifting the lids we found chocolate mint cookies!

Well, the loot is all divvied up and partially consumed. Thank you, Delores.  We are using what we didn't eat.

The ginormous shopping bag, two cups for the bus, sacreficial cookies

Smells suspiciously Canadian to Toby


  1. Toby,it's because there are a lot of suspicious Canadians!
    Jane x

  2. What a nice surprise for you and best of all, part of it could be consumed.

  3. I'm suspiciously Canadian muyself Toby. Where's the picture of you IN the box lol?

  4. You've been so incredibly generous with all of life lately, the whole Universe could not possibly stop something from coming back to you, Joanne.

  5. There's stuff...and then there's good stuff!

  6. I like all the giveways in your bag. xx

  7. I also take my own bags to the supermarket and I walk there and back it's only two streets away.
    Congratulations it's always great to win.

  8. I reuse canvas shopping bags. Some of them I've had for ten years!

  9. Nice prize! And, is Toby implying that we Canadians smell? hee hee Congratulations, Joanne :)

  10. what a neat giveaway to entere!! LOL; now I get what the title of your blog might mean!


  11. nothing better than mint cookies. Ha.

  12. Congrats! Nothing like getting swag from a bloggy friend. Cups for your bus and filled too. Dolores knows how to shop! AND blog.

  13. It's a lovely prize and I'm glad it went to someone I like.

  14. Dear Joanne, this posting made me grin. What a delightful--and tasty--surprise. Peace.

  15. What a delightful surprise!! A good surprise, too!
