
Monday, August 20, 2012

Sunny has left the building

She certainly lived in a mighty small spot.

And she picked a beautiful weekend to leave.

School starts Wednesday.  Laura is so excited that we went by her school to read her teacher’s name on the door.  She couldn’t wait until open house tomorrow to learn it.  At the orientation last week the school counselor sent all the children off on a scavenger hunt while she talked to the parents. 

Find both gyms.
Which gym has green mats?
What is in the open room in the hall with room 106?

And so on and so on.  Because she spent an hour scouring the school with fellow new students, Laura knows everything!, including the location of her room.  “Easy, peasy, grandma.”

Emily got up at six this morning, to get into the swing of school.  I teased her about having nothing to do and she said she would walk the dog with Uncle Tom.  Now for the brutal part.  For Uncle Tom.  Emily’s bus leaves at 6:45 am and Laura’s leaves at 8:00 am. For the rest of the school year.  But not until Wednesday.


  1. Farewell, Sunny! Your bravado brightened the world.

    Good luck, Joanne. School can be a challenge, no matter the age.

  2. Endings and beginnings...the circle of life

  3. Did you drop one of Sunnys seeds in the crack for next year?

  4. I shall miss Sunny.
    Has anyone warned Uncle Tom?
    Jane x
    PS Ref the stiltwalkers. They were reintroduced (Trinidad and Tobago)by a Canadian, Ben Block...who knew??

  5. Ah, Sunny.

    We hardly knew ye.


  6. Sounds like a good school and Uncle needs a deck of cards.

  7. What a brilliant idea to send the children on a scavenger hunt to find their way around school. There is nothing more daunting than starting a new school/college/workplace/whatever than trying to find your way round and getting totally lost. Hope they have many happy days through school.

  8. How wonderful the girls are so enthusiastic about going back to school. It speaks well of their future!

  9. Sunny, yesterday my heart was filled with rain.
    Sunny, you smiled at me and really ease the pain.

    give it a listen

    (think "Stella.")

    On the other hand, this made my heart sing: “Easy, peasy, grandma.”
    I don't know who's luckier, Laura or you.

  11. We've been blessed by her courageous demonstration of "against all odds!"

  12. A short but full life, dearest Sunny. We'll miss you.

    Love the scavenger hunt idea. Good luck to all who are prepping for back to school.

  13. Scavenger hunt is a fantastic idea!

    Ahhh...poor Sunny!

  14. Lucky grand daughters...Much good stuff ahead..Thanks to Grandma...

  15. Sorry to hear about Sunny, but well, she had her day, and she stood tall and proud. It's now up to her seeds to carry on.

  16. Those grandchildren are in good hands. Love and support make kids bloom. Sorta like flowers!

  17. What a brilliant way of orienting students. I wish we had something like that.

  18. i have always loved a good scavenger hunt--how fun--and sorry to see sunny go :(

  19. Ooooooh noooooooo!!! Alas, I guess all good things must come to an end. What a flowery life she led!

  20. I am sort of glad that school is in session again. Not crazy about getting my child out of bed each morning, but the last few weeks were getting annoying of her vacation. It was all "I'm bored!" Bing was home with her and I told her that if she heard Liv say that again that she was to make her clean a closet.

  21. Farewell, Sunny. You will be missed. But not forgotten! I just love the enthusiasm with which Kids return to school. I wish it had lasted a bit longer than it did . . . :)
