
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Goose’s new duds

My head is unworkable at the moment.  So is my sister’s.  She actually said to me, tonight, “Seventy year old mothers!?”, and she’s ten years younger than I am.  

This run up to school compares well to slogging through a black tunnel of crispy, crunching, crackly cellophane.  Can you believe a TI something calculator costs $118.00!  I have paid so many school fees I conclude pay to play has morphed to pay to learn, and what the heck are they spending my 53 mills of school tax dollars for.

I got new clothes for Goose, and wanted to take Laura and Emily with me to Linda’s to try them on, but just couldn’t work around new student orientation, open house, well child appointments with the doctor, Linda’s show schedule, my work schedule.  That doesn't include learning how to set up school accounts on-line and figuring out the Progress Book, where teachers post student stuff on line.

I did what any seventy year old mother would do.  I went to Linda’s, and we spent the afternoon visiting, drinking coffee, having peppers and cucumbers for lunch.  A great time.  When it was time to leave we helped Goose right out of that bikini and put a back to school outfit on her.

We made sure her rain gear fit.

Then Alberta took a picture of Linda and me, and I got home before the girls and in time to hear what they did in school today. Some Saturday, before the band gets on the bus to go to a football game, I’ll take Emily and Laura to Linda’s to see the new Goose.


  1. I hear you. My sister has to buy paper towels and Kleenex for my nephews classroom. We ask ourselves what on earth our taxes are really paying for. Also they are placing the teachers on furlough days. The goose looks crisp in her sailor suit. Totally prepared for fall. Olive

  2. is expensive. plus this year my kids have mandatory gym uniforms.
    lovely outfit on your goose!!

  3. How come Goose looks better in her navy uniform than I did in mine?
    Jane x

  4. It tires me out just to read what your schedule is like! The goose looks snazzy!

  5. I remember buying "indoor" sneakers for my kids, to be used only inside the school. And they usually needed a new outdoor pair as well, in the growing years. (which is all of the years, isn't it?) Everything had to be provided according to a list, even Kleenex like Olive mentions above. A calculator like the one you had to buy.

    You know what the next step is, don't you? A week or two into school they will arrive home with stuff to sell :) Magazines, chocolate bars, gift wrap, orders for fruit ...

    1. Almost forgot - that Goose is a snappy dresser!

  6. That's gotta be the best dressed Goose on the block.

  7. I adore Goose's new gear. The rainy day wear is particularly snazzy. Thank you.

  8. Busy and expensive days. Goose looks very snazzy!

  9. Spiffy back to school backpack????

  10. Just got Roz's tissues so far, though she's not too bad at this age. We start back a little later in Canada. Never heard of a TI calculator. GULP! I love those geese!

  11. Oh I LOVE Goose's new duds! And that photo of you three is completely adorable.
    Heck, I have no idea how you have the energy for back to school crap... I imagine it would be overwhelming if you're TWENTY. (Like me. 20. Hehehehehehe)

  12. P.s. I think I want a goose I can dress up. Or something. Now where did I put our dog...

    1. My favorite Uncle, Uncle Hank, had one grandchild, who lived in Colorado, a long way from Ohio. So, Uncle Hank kept a granddog. A plaster model, full-size, of a St. Bernard. Granddog lived on the front porch and always wore a bandana. Cleveland Indians all summer, Cleveland Browns all fall, Cleveland Cavaliers all winter.

  13. Did you cook your goose? Sorry at times I just can't help myself. You really took on a challenge with the kids. The simple calculators (about $200) just came out when I was starting college. I'm not an educator (not formally but we all are in some ways) but the advanced functions on these calculators will mostly go unused if used at all. Also, drawing graphs on graph paper is a useful learning experience. It's too late for this year but I don't think more than a basic $10-$20 calculator should be allowed. ok rant over - nice goose.

  14. Goose looks extra spiffy in his new duds. A good investment but school is just expensive.

  15. I'm afraid that Goose puts me to shame in her new clothes. Really nifty dresser, she is! And I do remember school fees. One year, they were so high that my son who had graduated and was working full time, paid all of the fees because his cash-strapped mother couldn't afford them! Don't miss those days AT ALL!

  16. Joanne knows that my family is a US Navy family...The Navy Sailor suit for the first day of school (yesterday) is just perfect....and YES,,,she is the best dressed goose on the block-actually in the whole town...Many thanks..
