
Monday, July 30, 2012

What will Sunny do?

My daughter called me on her drive home from Ann Arbor over the weekend to tell me she was passing field after field of sunflowers, a beautiful sight.  We decided someone has to grow all those seeds we buy each winter for the birds.

I pass a small home garden each morning on my way to the post office and the whole west edge of the garden is several rows of sunflowers, greeting the sun.  I’ve never gone by in the afternoon; I don’t know if the flowers face west then.  There are two hives at the front of the garden, and I think they are the source of the bees I see working the flower beds at the town hall.

Sunny is soldiering on.  I think her head was permanently bowed down in those relentless days of hundred degree heat, but her stalk is firm.  A few more leaves are gone. We’ll see.


  1. looks like she is furiously making seeds. I see her drip water bucket is gone.

  2. She looks like she's doing her job.

  3. Okay I love that last image. Faded sunflowers are just special to me.

  4. How I love the resilience of plants. Except the expensive ones I buy to put in the garden which far too often wither and die. I have everything crossed for sunny.

  5. My daughter used to live on the North Dakota border where they grow a lot of sunflowers. I remember seeing whole fields of them with their head bowed like that. I hope your Sunny is just doing its own thing.

    Thank you for the info on your tipsy cat. I'm so glad to know that he survived and learned to live a full life in spite of it!

  6. You are my sunshine
    my only sunshine
    you make me happy
    Please don't take our sunshine away just yet.

  7. Tough little flower! I'm amazed!

  8. We grow sunflowers every year. We try to save some for winter for the chickens and the birds. This year the birds have already started picking the seeds.

    Have a wonderful day. Thanks for coming by to visit.

  9. Can't get over where she is growing ! :D

  10. Go Sunny go! (She is the most adorable sunflower I've ever seen. Such a pet!)

  11. The death of a flower is sad, but necessary for the seeds to develop for the next generation of blooms.

  12. Our sunflowers haven't even bloomed, the weather has been so bad this year, almost constant rain. Sunny is the coolest sunflower ever!

  13. Oh those sunflower seeds will be welcome for the birds, that's for sure, what a pleasant sight the sunflowers and bee boxes are I raised bees in Arkansas and they are fun to watch working back and forth from their hives.

  14. We planted a few seeds which were supposed to be giant sunflowers, but I have officially given up on them. They grew about 12 inches and have not grown any more and have no flowers on them. Glad to see that Sunny is still hanging on!

  15. I love Sunny's "hairdo" - it's the windblown look :)

  16. Replies
    1. I tried to email 'Magic' to you, Joanne, but I must have lost your address with all of the others in the great crash of '12. Could you please send it to me again? I friended you on Facebook if you want to send it that way . . .

  17. I can't believe SUnny is still soldiering on!!! Amazing!

    I have about 100 sunflowers behind my barn and they are so wonderful. THe bees love them.
