
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Summer—almost gone for another year

Summer used to last from early June to the Wednesday after Labor Day.  Ready for back to school was a brief interruption to be drug downtown by Mom for a fitting of school clothes.  Best case, she’d check underwear tags and bring home a size larger.

Here at Cousin Camp, summer is over.  The girls are registered for school; we have appointments with counselors next week.  The first week of August!  Emily was fitted for a band uniform and has been marching three hours each evening since last week. New student orientations are in two weeks.

Aunt Jan has been shopping with the girls for school clothing.  There’s some cute stuff out there for fifth graders!, and Laura really scored at the Old Navy clearance racks.  Ninth grade clothing needs to be cool.   Emily has come home with some pretty shirts and no jeans.  She did select two belts.  She’s three sizes down since coming, through sensible eating and activity.  Old jeans and shorts are regularly consigned to the Goodwill bag.  She thinks we shouldn’t go shopping for her until after band camp.

And, band camp started today.  We filled a basket at a drugstore with bug repellant, multiple tubes of sun screen, band aids, and more things I can’t remember from the band camp list of essentials to bring.  We sent her off into the crowd, to get on a bus and go to Meadville, Pennsylvania.  This band has almost three hundred people, she told us.  The old school band was one hundred sixty.  We watched her walk straight in, to meet her new friends.

Not many days left to sit in the warm morning sun to read a book and work on friendship bracelets.  School starts in three weeks, and we still need to buy school clothes for Emily.


  1. CC and I frequent Old Navy clearance racks. CC comes home from college summer school on Tuesday and has only two weeks off and then starts fall semester. She is grumpy and tired. I am going to let her sleep til noon every day because that Korean professor has had them in class from 8AM til 9PM excluding meals. She better be speaking Korean.

  2. Wow! Where does the summer go?

  3. We still have four weeks of summer. I'm not ready to think about fall yet.

  4. I've already started school shopping. It starts in less than two weeks. Between me and you and the internet I am ready for my days back.

    The school district started something new, though. A week break in between every six weeks. Guess I'll see how that pans out...

  5. I used to love making friendship bracelets. Can't wait 'til Roz gets into all that!

  6. wishing you the best on the back-to-school stuff. I'm not sure which shopping season I dislike more that one or Christmas.

  7. You're already caught up in the back-to-school whirl and it's not even August. It really changes your perspective, I guess!

  8. When it comes to kid's clothes, you always have to look in the 50% off rack.

    Summer goes by too quickly, but most kids are happy to get back to school and friends.

  9. The last days of summer always go by faster than the rest of the summer - it's a fact :)

  10. I remember going shopping for new school clothes only once in my life. When I was about to start high school, where uniform was compulsory. I had to buy the tunic, the white blouses, the tie, jumper (sweater) and blazer. When a French teacher arrived in my second year there we had to get 60 denier fawn coloured tights and berets as well. Boy did I hate those tights!

  11. We who live where there are real seasons know how to savor every one, especially the summer which, despite uncomfortable heat, seems to go too fast. Too bad we can't trade a January and February for at least one extra June.

  12. I don't even want to talk about school shopping!!! Andrew enters ninth grade and to this point clothes were not a big thing. I hope that doesn't change. My second grandson, nine, is just tickled with anything he gets so shopping should be easy.

    Football practice is going full blast and the running will begin. First game in twenty days.

  13. i know--some of the school systems not far from here will start back next week--where does it go--lovely post :)

  14. time is flying by. Our garden is a month ahead of schedule, no more tomatoes, and the clearance racks are loaded, whihc I love. Sounds like you had fun shopping.
