
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Goose dressing

Dressing a friend’s goose is the get out of jail card for a left brained person.  There never would be a goose in my yard, although I do confess to a pig, a lamb and a toad.  But a goose in my wild and crazy right brained friend’s yard is open season.

The first winter I sent Goose a green velvet dress for the Christmas parties, and an ermine jacket and muff to keep warm.  Goose needed them badly; it snows so much in upstate New York we identified Goose’s frigid body by her ermine wrap.

When Linda moved her studio to from New York to Ohio in 2003, Goose came, too.  Six Mayflower trucks backed down her street to unload; one thirty pound concrete goose tucked into a corner.  Goose lives in the driveway of the new house.  I once sent Goose an outfit addressed to Goose in the Driveway.  The postman put it in the box.  Either he was short on humor or there are rules.  I suppose these are completely identical.

Many people keep Goose attired.  Linda says goose clothes even arrive anonymously.  When Emily was three years old and lived here she bounced up and down on the back seat all the way to Linda’s.  She had a witch costume to put on Goose for Halloween.

We have an obligation to keep Goose looking her best every day.  A lovely woman on Linda’s street had a stroke two years ago.  Every day the weather is fit she walks on her husband’s arm, two blocks down and two blocks back to see what Goose is wearing.  Last Sunday it rained on and off.  Goose was up for it.


  1. That goose has a better wardrobe than I do!

  2. Goose is an important part of the community.

  3. Glad to know that goose is still about and well dressed at that.

  4. I love this! Goose is better dressed than most of us!

  5. your humor and your garments and, incidentally.....Goose.

  6. Cute goose and outfit in the last photo :-).

  7. I love that people send Goose anonymous clothing drops. And she looks very fine in all those photos.
    Smiles from afar. Thank you.

  8. I love the back story of Goose, and the photo of him in his bright yellow rainy-day attire has really brightened up a dull day here too!

    I think I'm going to enjoy your musings Joanne.


  9. How funny! We have a man over here whose goose dresses appropriately dependent upon sport season. :-) She is now wearing a Twins uniform.

    Go Twins!


  10. You folks have a wonderful sense of humour :) Love the outfits.

  11. That is so endearing! how lovely to find your garden ornament has become a feature in other peoples' lives. I think I'd be sending goose the occasional garment too! :)

  12. That's the cutest goose ever! I love the raincoat and hat.

    I have an award for you over at my place. Pop on over at get it when you're ready?

  13. Joanne, you write AMAZING posts. This touched my heart, it really did. I wish I had a goose in my neighbourhood. Sigh... I love your stories, Joanne. LOVE!

  14. Loved this! Goose could give fashion updates to us backwoodsmen. What a fashionista!
